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At the Halliwell Resort & Spa, the Miranda-Soo woman sat in robes getting their hands and toes done. AnneMarie and Claudia scrolled through Claudia's phone gossiping about the drama from another school. Lesley and Nova were looking through their phones separate and silently. That left Pippa and Allie. "So, Noah. So you think this is serious?" Pippa asked. Allie glanced to her toes with joy.

"I do. Mommy, he was a senior when I was a sophomore. But his brother introduced us last year when he came back after basic. He was sweet, but he knew if we did anything there would could be trouble. The Romeo and Juliet law misses us by a month," Allie replied. Pippa smiled. Only one of her kids had a healthy love life. Mason was the only one, and Pippa wanted the rest of her kids to follow suit.

"Good. Good. I'm glad. I...uhh...I wanted to ask you something. And I know this is probably not the best time, but I just wanted to get it on your radar. Joi told me about what happened at the doctor. And I was talking to dad and... I don't really know how to— you want to be a mom one day right?" Pippa stammered. Allie tried to follow along, but was lost between the words and foot massage.

"O-o-f course I do," she stuttered, unsure why her mom was bringing up kids, a hard topic, on her birthday.

"Does Noah want to be a dad?" Pippa asked, playing with her fingers. Allie nodded, trying to bite back her smile.

"Yeah. We've talked about it. He says he wants to try for a baby after we get married, after graduation. But, well, I know it's not going to happen and I don't really know how to tell him," Allie mumbled. Pippa took her daughters hand.

"Is there a way that you would maybe want to adopt this baby? If, you know, Noah agrees? You know after you graduate?" Pippa asked. Allie dropped her moms hand, looking at her with only shock. She looked past her mother for a second to see her family engrossed in their own little worlds.

"You want me to raise the baby?" Allie asked, a mix of fear and joy in her voice. Pippa nodded. "But, I don't have a job and Noah and I aren't married yet—"

"If it's the money you're worry about, don't. It would be like when Lesley or Ana had their kids. Dad and I will be financially responsible until you and Noah are ready. And by the time that happens, you'll be married and stable. The adoption will be closed, so no one outside of the family will have to know and if you want to tell the baby years later you can, but..." Phillipa trailed off. "We can't raise another child," she pleaded. Allie sat back in her seat.

"Can I talk to Noah? If it were just me, I'd say yes in a heartbeat, but I want make sure he's okay with it," Allie asked. Pippa nodded.

"Yeah, definitely. We don't have to decide for six more months." Allie sat back trying not to get her hopes up. Was she actually going to get to be a mom? She hoped Noah would come around, because if she had to choose, she'd choose being a mother in a heartbeat.


While the woman got pampered, the men took care of the home, with Feather. She was a bit young for the spa and woke up feeling sick, so Lizzie stayed back to care for her. "Lizzie, do you want to be a mommy one day?" Feather asked, dropping her iPad to her chest. Lizzie looked away from the living room tv, and slid her glasses up to hold her front pieces back.

"You know Feather, I can't say that I do," she answered. The small child locked her tablet and sat up on her knees.

"Why not?" She harmlessly asked. Lizzie thought back to her childhood and everything she endured at the hands of "loving parents".

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