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Mason and Lizzie (picture) walked into the dining room as everyone took their places at the table. "So? News?" Pippa asked. Mason and Lizzie grabbed hands with huge smiles.

"We are moving back to New York and getting married!" Mason cheered. Everyone started at them blankly for a second before cheering. As the happiness died down Lesley raised her hand.

"Yeah, hi, hello, um when did you move out of New York? Because I thought you still live in Washington Heights," Lesley asked. Mason and Lizzie looked at her weird and shook their heads.

"No," Lizzie started, "I said we live in Washington. Like, the state. And that it was a hike," Lizzie explained.

"Ohh," Lesley nodded. "See, I was probably high when you told me so," she trailed off as she tapped her head and rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm excited for you," Pippa smiled, dismissing her daughters casual drug reference. She quickly pulled the two in for a hug and held on one second longer to get the scoop. "She's not pregnant, right?" Pippa asked. Mason shook his head and chuckled.

"Oh, God I hope not," he laughed. They looked at Lizzie who shook her head.

"Not that I know of. Nope," Lizzie answered. Pippa pulled away and nodded.

"Well, let's get you all settled. There is plenty of food," Pippa smiled. She turned to go back to her seat when she saw Claudia and AnneMarie creeping up the south stair case. "Thing 1 and Thing 2!" She yelled. The two jumped and stared at her like deer in head lights. "Couch!" She screamed. The girls scurried back to the couch and sat in silence. "Who's hungry?" Pippa asked. The family giggled and dug back into the food.


Later that night Claudia and Allie laid on the roof smoking weed, as usual, talking. "Have you talked to Marco lately?" Allie asked. Claudia rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Nope. I blocked him on everything as well as she devil," Claudia answered. Allie giggled and took another hit before passing the blunt to her sister. They soon heard the back door open and saw Pippa walk out to the porch. She slipped on a sweatshirt and pulled out her lighter.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Allie asked.

"Smoke sesh with mom?" Claudia asked. The oldest nodded and the girls slid off the roof in to the room and down to the backyard. Pippa sat in a chair with her feet up on the porch fence. "Hey mom," Claudia greeted. Pippa waved and pulled the blunt out of her mouth. Allie sat on the ledge next to Pippa's feet as Claudia just leaned against it. She and Allie continued to share a blunt as they sat with their mother.

"What's up guys?" Pippa asked. Allie shrugged, but Claudia pulled out her phone, did some digging and pulled up a picture.



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