
264 14 5

Friday Night
11:42 PM

Claudia and Allie laid on Allie's bed watching a movie when Pippa came in. "Hey girls," Pippa greeted. The girls waved at their mom as she sat down on Allie's fluffy bean bag. "Whatcha watching?" Pippa asked, not recognizing the movie.

"Catfight," Claudia quickly replied during a slower part. Pippa nodded and noticed that AnneMarie was nowhere to be found.

"Where's your sister?" Pippa asked. Claudia and Allie shrugged.

"Don't know," Allie replied.

"Don't care," Claudia continued. Pippa shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"You should invite her in here," Pippa suggested. Claudia scrunched up her face and shook her head.

"You know she has everyone at school thinking you're a whore, right? No thanks," Claudia grimaced. Pippa pushed her dark brown hair behind her ears and folded her arms.

"I'm sorry, what?" Pippa half freaked. Claudia and Allie nodded. "Do you know if your sister is in her room?" Pippa asked. Allie shrugged.

"Don't know," Allie replied.

"Don't care," Claudia continued.

"Well you should," Pippa guilted. Claudia sat up and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"My sister is a bitch to me. No. Not a bitch. A cunt. I have been there since day one and she has done nothing but shit on me and Allie. She calls me a whore and fat. She calls Allie dumpster trash. She would rather have the loyalty of her friends, than her own sisters. Actually, I don't even consider her my sister. I hate her. So, sorry for not sending out a search party to find She devil," Claudia fumed. Pippa gasped. She had no idea Claudia truly hated AnneMarie. She knew they had their fights but she didn't know it was that bad. Before she could say anything Claudia ran into Allies bathroom and locked the door.

"Dia!" Pippa yelled. Allie shook her head and pulled Pippa out of her room.

"She's gonna be in there for a while," Allie whispered. Pippa hung her head and left as Allie shut the door behind her mom.


Enzo sat on his couch watching Feather sleep on his bed under a new set of sheets, of course. They had been in each others lives for three days and Enzo still couldn't believe that he was a dad. He hadn't told anyone yet, but he stopped going to the club, and was looking for a real job to support his daughter. As he thought, Feather started to toss and turn in her sleep. "No," she whimpered. "Please. I'll be good. I'm sorry," she cried. Enzo shot over to his bed quickly, as daddy mode set in. As soon as he sat down he felt the bed shaking.

"Feath," Enzo called. Feather continued to have her nightmare.

"Owe!" She screamed. Enzo, then, instinctively picked Feather up into his arms and held her tightly.

"Feather. Baby. Wake up," Enzo rocked. The little girl moved and kicked until she realized who's arms she was in. "Feather, it's daddy," Enzo whispered. Feather looked up her dad with tear stained cheeks and red eyes. She quickly snuggled into his chest and did her best to block out her dream. "It's okay, I've got you," Enzo protectively cradled. He rock his child for a couple of moments before her death grip on his shirt loosed, telling him that she was fast asleep. "Daddy's got you," Enzo smiled. He laid Feather on his pillow and laid next to her, careful not to wake her or snake his arms from around her.

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