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A Week Ago

Lesley sat in a semi-fancy restaurant with Enzo, Mason, Lizzie, and Allie on a Wednesday afternoon. They were supposed to be having a nice lunch, but Lesley was too distracted and angry for that to happen. "I love that you guys include Feather in your girl group. I know she's way younger, but I just wanted to thank you," Enzo smiled. Allie went to respond when Lesley over powered her.

"Are we just going to pretend that mom didn't steal my kid?" Lesley fumed. The table sighed.

"I guess not," Mason muttered. "Look, she didn't steal your kid. She invoked her right to revoke your motherly privileges due to negligence and child endangerment. Would you rather have CPS snooping through your life?" He tried not to yell. His sister was going through another 'ohh it's me' phase and he was sick of it.

"Negligence and child endangerment? Are you kidding me? I'm not Ashely! I didn't sit my kid on the stove!" Lesley yelled.

"Woah! Not cool!" Enzo stepped in. Lesley rolled her eyes and gripped onto her lemonade glass.

"Your child was at home alone during a break in and you were at work getting high! You didn't even tell anyone she was alone! She could have been killed!" Allie yelled. Lesley's anger reached a boiling point, causing her drink to go from the cup onto Allie. The teen gasped and wiped off her face. "Yeah, you totally deserve to be a mom," Allie grumbled. She rolled her eyes and walked out of the restaurant.

"You need to learn to control your anger before you even get near Nova again," Enzo said, before chasing Allie down to take her home and get cleaned up. Mason and Lizzie threw a few bills on the table to cover lunch and followed behind Enzo. Leslie sat back down and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, what do they know?" She griped. The entire restaurant stared at her before a waiter came with her check and kindly asked her to leave.


Nova sat in the back of her Spanish class trying to concentrate as the sun light beamed directly on her. The teen started to feel hot and nauseous as she did her assignment. Over the next couple of minutes, Nova took deep breaths, trying to cool down, but she was slowly slipping into a panic attack. "Mrs. Bolyard. May I go to the bathroom?" She asked. In the split second it took for her teacher to answer, Nova had bolted from her seat and to the nearest restroom. There, she smacked into a girl she had never seen before. However, she was more worried about the vomit rising up her throat, than the apology she was almost incapable of forming at the moment.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked as Nova spilled her breakfast into the toilet. Nova whipped off her mouth with some tissue and flushed the toilet. As she came out of the stall, the girl stared at her.

"I'll be fine," Nova replied

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"I'll be fine," Nova replied. The girl shrugged and leaned in front of an empty sink.

"You're the first pregnant high schooler I've met. But it's cool because my mom had me at 14," she smiled. Nova's eyes went wide as she quickly shook her head.

"No, I'm not pregnant. I'm just sick. I swear. I mean, I have noting against it, my mom had me at 14 too, but she was raped, but anyways I'm not, " Nova scrambled to speak. The girl nodded and held her hands up.

"Hey, I believe you. Sex is scary," the girl grimaced. Nova rinsed our her mouth and started to pulled out her phone. "I'm Monte," the teen finally introduced.

"Nova," the sick teen replied. She pulled her phone to her ear and quickly wrapped her free arm around her stomach.

"Who are you calling?" Monte asked, handing her new friend a stick of gum. Nova gladly took the offering, as the person she was looking for answered.

"Papá, can you come get me? I just got sick at school and I still don't feel good," Nova desperately said. She listened as Lin told her how busy he was and to call Pippa before hanging up. Nova rolled her eyes and looked for her grandmothers number. She held the phone up to her ear and sighed. "Nona?" Nova whined.

"First of all, what did I tell you about whining?" Pippa started. Monte could hear the conversation and rose her eyebrows.

"Save it for, Papá. I'm sorry, but I don't feel good. Can you please come get me? I just got sick in the bathroom," Nova shared. She heard some shuffling before getting answer.

"I'm a little busy right now, but I will have Allie take you home with her. It's her early day," Pippa said. Nova nodded even though Pippa couldn't see her.

"Okay. I'll see you at home," Nova said, before the phone went dead. She slipped the Apple product into her baggy jeans and placed her hands on the counter. She was trying to stay calm, keep from throwing up again, and figure out how to catch up from missing the rest of school.

"Who was that?" Monte asked. Nova shrugged and pushed her hands into her pocket. She didn't necessarily like to talk about her family, because of how much news coverage they got after everything that happened with her grandparents.

"Just my Nona," Nova vaguely answered. Monte shrugged and started to play with her hair in the mirror. "Why aren't you going back to class?" Nova asked. Monte giggled and pulled out her lip gloss.

"Because I don't want to. Class is boring and Mr. Talifero is a jerk," Monte answered. Nova silently gasped. She had never skipped class before, but she didn't want to seem like a baby.

"Oh. Okay. Well what do you do?" Nova asked. Monte smirked and picked up her backpack.

"Follow me," Monte encouraged. Nova thought for a second before shrugging. Allie was taking her home early and she didn't want to go back to Spanish. So, skipping was her best option to finally have fun.


Allie sat in her car outside of the school waiting for her niece to come out. She had gotten a call from Pippa saying that Nova was sick, but from what Allie saw in her rear-view mirror, Nova was anything but. She turned fully around to see Nova and some girl she had never seen before making out on the bench by the bus loop. "Interesting," Allie smirked as she took a couple of pictures. She had a brilliant idea.

To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
Sorry I haven't updated this in a while and that it's so short. Im in need of ideas! Help!!!! Comment.Like.Follow💕 ily💘

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