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Pippa, Claudia, AnneMarie, and Allie rushed into the trashy apartment with Lin not to far behind, to see Nova circled around by cops. However, as soon as the scared teen saw Pippa and Lin, she rushed to them. Lin picked her up and held her tightly. "Nona!" She cried, in Lin's shoulder. Suddenly two cops came and stood before them.

"Are you the parents of this little girl?" They asked. Lin shook his head.

"She's our granddaughter. Her mother is on her way from work, but we have joint custody," Lin answered, knowing they can't give out information to just anyone. The cop nodded. "What happened here?" He asked.

"Someone came in while your granddaughter was alone, robbed them, and..." he trailed off and gave them a sad look. The worst of the worst went to Pippa's mind and she immediately felt like Nova was in the same position Lesley was. Nova read her grandmothers face and shook her head. Lin put the thirteen year old down and watched her move in front of her Nona.

"Don't worry. He didn't touch me like that. He just beat me a little. I'm okay," Nova reassured. Pippa saw her granddaughter's face in a better light and saw the bruise under her eye and the bruise forming on her collar bone. Pippa wanted to cry so badly, but had to stay strong for her girls. While Nova was reassuring her Nona, Lin was pulled away by a cop.

"Sir, we were gonna call an ambulance, but the girl insisted she was fine. If I were you, though, I would take her to the hospital, just in case," he whispered. Lin nodded. He was headed back to his family, when he was pushed to the side by a small, yet strong person. Lesley.

"Baby! Are you okay? Come here!" Lesley screeched. Nova slowly walked to her mother before she was pulled into a forceful hug. "I️ am so sorry I wasn't here!" Lesley cried. Nova awkward hugged her mother, wincing from the pain, until Phillipa separated them.

"First of all, she's hurt. Be careful," Pippa growled, watching Nova try to slyly rub her bruises. "And second of all, why weren't you here?" Pippa almost yelled. Lesley rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"It's none of your business," she snapped. Pippa placed her hands on her hips and smirked.

"Seeing as I have joint custody of her, it is my business. I told you what would happen if she got hurt out here in this shit neighborhood and you swore up and down that she was fine. You lied!" Pippa yelled. Lesley waved her off and shut the door of her tiny studio apartment as the cops left.

"She's fine!" Lesley yelled back.

"She's not! I warned you!" Pippa yelled back.

"You can't do this!" Lesley screamed. Everyone stared between the two, confused as to what they were talking about. All, but Lin of course. He stood quietly behind his girls, arms folded, brow furrowed.

"Can't do what?" Nova finally asked.

"You can't make me!" Lesley ignored. Pippa shrugged and stepped towards her granddaughter.

"I might not be able to force you, but I do have a say over her!" Pippa replied. Lesley let out a scream of frustration and sat on her couch.

"Why don't you let her decide? Scared you won't like the results?" Lesley mouthed off. Pippa smirked and shook her head.

"Nope. Are you?" Pippa sassed. Lesley was not as confident, but played the roll amazingly.

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