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4:30 PM

Nova, Claudia, and Allie walked home from school after their after school activities. Allie was on the varsity volleyball team, Claudia was on the junior varsity soccer team, and Nova was on the junior varsity basketball team. They were all starters and pretty good, but didn't really have any friends on the teams. Therefore, they stuck together most of the time. As they walked Allie took a deep breath and slung her arm around her sister and niece's shoulders. "What's wrong, Al?" Nova asked. Allie shook her head and took her arms off to grab her house key.

"Nothing, I'm just tired," she lied. She really wanted to talk to someone about what happened in English, but didn't want to cry. The two freshmen shared a look and followed the junior into the house.

"Hey girls," Reneé greeted. The teenagers waved and took their places at the kitchen table to do their homework. "How was school?" She asked, while making chili as Jasmine cleaned up the living room area.

"It was whatever," Allie answered with the younger girls nods to back her up. Reneé looked around the corner but didn't see the youngest Miranda-Soo.

"Claudia, where's AnneMarie?" Reneé asked. Claudia shrugged.

"She would rather drop dead than be seen with us, and frankly, I'd rather she drop dead too," Claudia answered.

"Who dropped dead?" Pippa asked as she came down the stairs.

"Hopefully AnneMarie," Claudia answered.

"That's still your sister," Pippa groaned, rolling her eyes and turning her attention on Jasmine.

"Have you seen my husband? I can't find him and we need to talk," Pippa asked. Allie, Nova, and Claudia took that as their queue too leave and ran to Allie's room.

"Nope. Just call him," Jasmine suggested. Pippa shrugged and pulled out her phone. The lock screen was she on Lin's lap, Enzo and Mason on each side of Lin, Lesley and Claudia in front of Enzo, Allie and AnneMarie in front of Mason, and Nova sitting Indian style on the floor in front of them. It was for Pippa's 32nd birthday, two days before the huge fight that ran Lesley out of the family. June 2nd: a day that rocked their world. Pippa dialed her husband's number which immediately went to voicemail.

"That was too quick, even for Lin. Something is definitely up," Pippa concluded. And she was not wrong... or at least not completely wrong. Something was up, just not the thing Lin wanted.

4:47 PM

Lin laid on the exam table as Meredith checked out his broken penis. "Agh," the lyrical genius squealed, as Meredith poked and prodded at his enflamed testicle.

"You, my friend, should buy a Palace of Versailles," Meredith joked. Lin gave her a weird look and held his balls tightly. "King Louise had a pinch nerve in his penis and it seems as do you," Meredith informed.

"How can we fix this?" Lin freaked. He didn't want to be stuck impotent forever.

"Surgery will fix it and have you on your knees in no time," the doctor smirked. Lin nodded and stood up to get dressed.

"Does this mean my boys will be up and swimming again?" Lin asked. Meredith nodded and updated his chart. "Awesome. I have this great present I want to give Pippa for Christmas this year," Lin bragged.

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