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The loud crash rang through Pippa's ears while she sprinted up the stairs, and barged in the room with Lin not that far behind. Before them stood Claudia with a broken picture frame in between she and AnneMarie. "You are spoiled, narcissistic, loosed-lipped, slut!" Claudia furiously yelled. AnneMarie folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault that your boyfriend likes me better," she smirked. Claudia pounced on her sister, not caring that glass was cutting her foot, forcing her to track blood onto the creme carpet.

"You tricked him into sleeping with you! He's my boyfriend! We've been together for years and you tricked him into sleeping with you because we look alike? Are you that much of hoe? Like you couldn't find some random to take your virginity? It had to be my man?" Claudia fought once more. She and AnneMarie physical tussled, until Pippa and Lin could figure out a way to pull them off of each other without cutting themselves.

"I did it because I'm such a hoe!" AnneMarie yelled as Lin grabbed a hold of her and slid her from under her sister, while Pippa picked Claudia up and piled her to stand behind her. "You always call me a hoe, so I decided to be one with your man," AnneMarie spat. Claudia tried to get at her again, but Pippa held on tighter.

"What happened?" Pippa yelled. Claudia pushed off her mother and fixed her clothes. Lin let AnneMarie down, but held his spot between she and Pippa.

"You gave birth to Satan! That's what happened! I'm sick and tired off her bullshit! We aren't sisters! Sisters don't do this shit! Calling me names is whatever, being a bitch whatever, but purposely tricking my boyfriend into thinking you're me to sleep with him? That's crossing a line! I hate you with everything in my body! I hope you get a disease and fucking die!" Claudia cried before running to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. AnneMarie shrugged as if she was unphased and sat on her bed. Pippa pushed past Allie and Nova, who she had no idea was witnessing this and went through the Jack and Jill bathroom to checked on Claudia, while Lin stayed with AnneMarie.

"You really won, good job," Allie smart-assed. Nova shook her head.

"You're becoming more and more like my mom everyday. Keep it up and the only thing you'll have is a sexually harassing boss at a run down strip joint. Then you guys can be twins," Nova said. The two left to go down stairs as Lin shut the door to his daughters room.

"Why'd you do it?" Lin asked. AnneMarie shrugged.

"She wanted me to be a hoe so bad that I showed her a real one," she answered. Lin ran his hands over his head out of frustration. He had to wrap his head around the fact that his youngest daughter used sex and identity theft as a weapon to get back at her twin sister. Those are not words a dad ever wants to think about whether she's 14 or 40.

"Have you no remorse? You broke your sisters heart without a care in the world. That's sickening," Lin shivered. He grabbed her phone and laptop from the nightstand and started towards outside. "Let's go!" He yelled. His voice boomed throughout the entire house, because of how mad he was. Scared, AnneMarie followed him to the driveway and folded her arms. "You're cut off, indefinitely," Lin punished.

Quickly, he removed her phone from the Otterbox and out of nowhere threw the all glass iPhone on the ground for it to shatter into a million pieces. He stomped on it a couple of times before deeming it dead. Next came the laptop. He opened it and used all his strength to smash it to the ground. He threw it so hard it broke in two and the screen shattered. "Daddy! What are you doing? That's my stuff!" AnneMarie yelled.

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