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"Dad found Annemarie in her bed with her empty pill bottle, a pack of Tylenol, and some of moms old antidepressants meds from when we were kids?" Mason asked, as the older siblings congregated around the island, while the younger girls sat on the couch. Enzo nodded, glancing to Lesley who was tearing at the counter top.

"How did she even get moms old pills. I thought she got rid of them before you were born," Lesley pointed out, remembering the long talks she had with her mom about her past.

"She did. But, Stevie put them back in the cabinet. She didn't trust that mom wouldn't need them," Enzo replied. Mason smacked the counter, seeing this as another thing to add to the list of things his mother screwed up.

"She's gonna survive this, right? Like, they got her back before going to the hospital, right?" Lizzie panicked, cuddling into Mason's side. No one had a straight answer and their faces said so.

"When I last called mom for an update about thirty minutes ago, they were pumping her stomach. They wouldn't pump the stomach of a dead girl. So, I took that as a good sign," Enzo answered. He glanced to his right to see his sweet baby girl curled into her aunts legs. He could only imagine the toll this was taking on her.

Behind Lesley, the younger siblings stared at the coffee table in silence. Only the sounds of Feathers sniffles were heard. Allie laid her head on Joi's shoulder while stroking Feathers head in her lap. "Why would she do this?" Allie mumbled, trying not to cry on her nieces head. Nova, with her knees curled to her chest in the corner of the sectional shrugged.

"Did you guys know she was that bad off?" Nova asked. Everyone except, Claudia shook their heads. "Dia, what do you know?" Nova asked, singling out the other twin. She stayed quiet for a moment as the eyes of her sister and nieces laid on her. "Claudia! What the hell do you know?" Nova yelled, getting the attention of the siblings in the kitchen. They too, soon joined the party in the living room taking seats on the coffee table and sectional.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?" Enzo softly asked, taking a seat in front of his baby sister.

"Nova, watch your mouth," Lesley scolded, earning an eye roll from her teen. A unanimous look of shock hit everyone, hearing Lesley parent her child. It was as if Opposite Day was on steroids.

"Claudia, what happened?" Enzo said once agin, with the same gentle tone. A tear dropped from the second youngest Miranda sibling, as the sight of her twin helpless on the floor flashed before her eyes.

"I knew she was weak. I took an easy shot. W—why did I do that?" Claudia finally broke. Enzo pulled her into his lap and stroked her hair. He was the only one that wasn't ready to put Claudia in the hospital himself.

"Shh, hey," he coddled, "you didn't mean it. You were just moving off of instinct," Enzo tried. In a moments notice, Claudia was ripped off of her brothers lap and thrown on to the couch.

"Fix your faces!" Mason yelled you the others. No one did, forcing him to get louder. "Fix them!" He barked. The woman of the Miranda family dropped their scowls and stared at their nephew. "Y'all are not about to sit on a high horse and use Claudia as a scapegoat! None of you! Not a single one can say they didn't aid in this! I know what you guys did. Excluding her, ignoring her, cursing her. And that was all after the fight! You," he said pointing to Claudia, "you froze seeing her on the ground, but had no hesitation kicking her a few times, before she even got up. You," he moved to Allie, "you are supposed to be the mature one! We can't always be here to do what's right, and that's where you were supposed to step in! You knew they were feuding and you let it happen, hell you even fueled it sometimes. You want mom and dad to accept you grown man boyfriend, yet you still act like a child. Pathetic. Grow up! You," he moved to Nova, "you are a kind and sweet girl. This is beneath you. You've seen what happens when families don't communicate. You lived through it, with your mother and Nona. You should've been the first one to go to Annemarie and mend things. Just because they are older then you doesn't mean you stoop to their level. Clearly, age has nothing to do with maturity. And," Mason said, looking to Lesley and Enzo. "Guys, we should've been better siblings. We knew how much pain they were in, but we let our personal lives get in the way of family. Mom and dad can't be everywhere at once. And it's clear that they doing their best wasn't good enough. When we were little, Mom—Stevie— helped us while mom was going through it, but no one was there for her in her time of need and we lost her. And the same thing almost happened tonight because of a petty fight and pride. This family can't take another heart break," Mason finished, before going back to stand behind Lizzie on the couch.

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