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Monday Morning

Phillipa laid on her couch in her quiet home, stroking her exposed stomach. Despite her current standing her stomach was still fairly hard. On a brighter note, the kids were at school, Lesley was upstairs detoxing, and Enzo, Mason, Lizzie, and Lin were at work. With the house clean and to herself, Pippa had no choice but to feel. Her body was cramping like no other, and while she wasn't bleeding yet, life was rough. Not to mention her friends were coming over so she could break the news.

"Knock knock!" Jazzy smiled, coming in through the garage door with Renée in tow. "We know you aren't feeling great, but..." Jasmine stopped, seeing Pippa cuddling a wine bottle at 8:30 AM. "What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to kill the baby?" Jasmine flipped as Renée took a seat on the sectional.

"Can't kill what's already dead," Pippa mumbled, ready to open the bottle. She had an appointment with Meredith to come over and confirm, but she was sure of it. "My water broke last night," she continued. The actresses looked to one another before coming back to their best friend. They could clearly see that the death of this baby was taking a toll on Phillipa, much more than the others.

"Oh Pip, you'll get through this," Renée mumbled, scooting under her friends legs and rubbing them.

"I didn't even want this kid. I should be happy. Why am I day drinking over a child I didn't—"

"Pippa! Stop!" Renée yelled. She was not about let her friend shame herself for a natural reaction to loss. "You losing a child is different from you willing getting rid of one. You're allowed to mourn." Phillipa looked to her friends for a moment. Their eyes were soft. Understanding. For a second she'd forgotten that she didn't have to be fake around them, or put up fronts. They were her sisters. There to drink with her and reminded her that she didn't have to carry the weight of her problems alone.


"You really think this is a good idea?" Nova asked, sitting in a salon chair instead of her desk. Avery, Nova's best friend, gasped, turing her friend around in the chair with a huge smile.

"Nova! Are you kidding me? Look at yourself! Your hair! This was so worth skipping gym," Avery beamed. Nova glanced to her new hair cut with a small smile. While her aunts got to go shopping or get their nails done, Nova didn't get that luxury. Her Nona did her best to make Nova feel as special as the others. But with her mother so restrictive with the time that she got, before moving in, it was almost impossible. "Nova... damn, if I weren't straight and you weren't taken, I'd fuck you," Avery encouraged. With a slight eye roll, Nova paid the hairstylist and ran off towards the boardwalk with her bestie.


At the local high school, Allie, Joi, Killy, and Marti sat at lunch, relaxing. The day was going by fine, until Allie caught a glimpse of someone out the corner of her eye. The seventeen year old gave her full attention to the spectacle to see Luna, her nemesis, standing by her boyfriend in a dead zone of the cafeteria. Ready to mind her business, Allie started to look away, when she saw it.

In a matter of moments, Luna was clutching her neck and abdomen, and Allie was sprinting towards the scene. While approaching, the jock skidded out of the cafeteria, making sure to keep his spot on the team secured. "Hey, are you okay?" Allie asked, going to help Luna up but receiving a flinch instead.

"Don't," she choked, stepping back into an empty table behind. "Just..." she trailed off. "Let it go," Luna mumbled, running out of the cafeteria. Allie prayed she wasn't going after the asshat who did that to her, but it was a strong possibility.

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