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Please re-read! I have revamped and cleared some things up and will be!!! Guess who's back and better than ever! I'm sooo excited for this story sooo bare with me!!! I'm stoked!!! Comment down below if you're stoked too! If you haven't read the first two books, go do that before you read this! It will make sooo much more sense! Happy reading!


Clutter encompassed the tiny one bedroom apartment of Lesley and Nova Soo. Moonlight illuminated the thirteen year old as she laid in her twin sized bed, in the corner of the "living room" with her cover pulled tightly over her head. The rustling of the dying leaves outside of her window and the thought of her mother most likely high, scared her. At only thirteen, Nova had to deal with her mother getting high and sleeping with a bunch of different guys on a regular basis. The interactions left Nova constantly scared for her mother safety, and sometimes caused her to wish that her mother would stop the madness to go live with her Nona. But, that was impossible. Lesley hadn't seen her parents since she was eighteen. A huge fight broke out between she and Phillipa, when Nova was five, causing her to storm out of her house and never return. Now 8 years later, when Nova goes to Pippa and Lins house, Lesley waits in the car to pick her up. There are many things Nova wishes wouldn't change, but her mother wasn't one.


Only 15 minutes away in a studio apartment, Enzo untangled himself from yet another girl that laid in his bed. He had no idea who she was, but she wasn't good in bed and needed to leave. The hungover, twenty-six year old stood on his bed and tapped the unknown girl with his foot. "Hey," Enzo called. The blonde rolled over to have her exposed, overpriced boobs flash his unsuspecting eyes. Enzo shook his head and ran his hand over his face. The one night stand stretched out with a yawn.

"What time is it?" She asked. Enzo looked at his clock on the side table and saw that it was 2 AM.

"Time for you to get the hell out," Enzo replied. The girl scoffed and grabbed her stuff. She quickly got redressed and pranced out of Enzo's bay side apartment. "Eww. What was you doing, Enzo?" The man child ask himself as he laid down on his bed and started to drift back to sleep. It was his routine. Sleep all day, party all night, and convince his parents he worked at a hotshot job that didn't exist.


All the way out in the suburbs, sixteen year old, Allie sat on the roof of her parents house, smoking a clean blunt. She had just got another detention for back talking a teacher, putting her record at four for the week. She hadn't given the note to her parents yet, but she knew what her parents would say. "This is not what we do Allie," the teen laughed, as she laid back on the roof. Sometimes she wished they had left her where they found her. And sometimes she was happy where she was. It just depended on the day. And for some reason that day was particularly rough for her.

Ten minutes later, Claudia crawled through her sisters window and up to the roof. "Hey," she whispered. Allie gave a small smile and passed her sister a joint.

"What's going on in the land of freshmen?" Allie asked. Claudia took a hit and rolled her eyes.

"AnneMarie and her band of loyal subjects are making my life a living nightmare. So, the usual," Claudia replied. Allie scoffed and pushed her self onto her elbows.

"She needs to get a hobby," the slightly inebriated soul said. Claudia shook her head and giggled.

"She needs to get some dick. I think she's the only one in the house that isn't having sex and never has," Claudia analyzed. Allie nodded through a loud laugh.

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