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Y'all seen that * you know what's up!! Who? That's a secret I'll never tell. (Lol sike but take this time to guess right now!) kaaay lets go!  AND THANK YOU FOR 4k💓💓💓💓

Friday Afternoon

School was almost out for the week and the teens were ready. Nova, Claudia, and Annemarie sat at their lunch table, scrolling through their phones when a tweet came to their Notification Center.

"Did you guys know about this?" Claudia asked picking at her salad

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"Did you guys know about this?" Claudia asked picking at her salad. Annemarie shook her head as Nova dropped her head on her arm. "What's up with you?" Twin B asked.

"My mom!" Nova groaned. "She's withdrawing and stuff, but like does she have to be so loud with it? She gets up every morning at the ass crack of dawn and 'I'm awake but don't want to be awake' hours, to vomit and it's loud!" She complained. The twins knew what she was going through, but it didn't bother them as much since they slept so soundly.

"She's still going through withdrawals? It's been over 48 hours. Are you sure she's not sick?" Annemarie asked. "Like how many drugs was she on?" Nova shook her head, picking it up from her numbing limb.

"I don't know, but it needs to end. I'm tired and I can't deal. I think I'm sleeping in Allie's room tonight," Nova said. Claudia scrunched up her face.

"Isn't she going out tonight? I think she said she was spending the night with Killy, Joi, and Marti. At least that's what she told Mommy," Claudia informed. Nova shrugged not caring where her aunt would be. She refused to spend another night in the room with her mom.

11:15 AM

With an empty house, Pippa sat on the couch under a blanket, scrolling through her phone. She was waiting for her husband to finally leave the basement with his friend, so they could spent time together. "Yeah, man," Lin said, coming up the stairs.

"Alright. I will see what I can do," Lac smiled, before glancing to the back of Pippa's head as he left out the garage door. "Bye, Pippa!" He called. The actress threw her hand up not even looking back. Once the door shut, Lin came and jumped over the back of the couch to join his wife.

"Careful now, grandpa," Pippa giggled, as he got under he blanket with her. Lin peck her head and wrapped an arm around her.

"Whatever. I was young enough to get you pregnant again," he smirked, placing a hand in her little bump.

"Yeah, yeah," she mumbled. "So," she started, pecking his lips, "it's been a little while," Pippa smirked.

Lin slid his hand to her thigh. "Has it been?" He asked. Pippa nodded as his hand grew closer to her warm core. "And it seems like someone is ready," Lin smirked.

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