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Allie sat in the office of Meredith Grey, with her father outside waiting. "Allie, are you sure you don't want your father in here? What I have to say is very hard for someone your age to hear," Meredith asked. Allie glanced to her lap for a moment, before moving her hair to reveal her frank tattoo. Meredith took a good look before watching her patient and friend sit back.

"You see that?" Allie asked. "Those three birds around his name are the number of months it took for Frank to get me out. When I got taken away for those three months, I was sent to Frank's brother. At first he seemed nice, but one night after a few too many pills, he showed his true colors. He used anything in reach. I was five. From that day on, I knew that my chances of being a mom were slim. That went on every night for three months. One night, Frank came over unexpectedly. He got me out and personally drove me to the hospital. The doctor told Frank that I had an infection. I'm going to guess that it's back," She revealed. Meredith looked to her chart with a short sigh.

"It looks like it never left," Meredith replied. Allie's heart dropped. "It seemed like it travelled to your uterus and Fallopian tubes. I'm sorry Allie, but any pregnancy you may carry won't stick. Without a hysterectomy, your looking at a string of miscarriages," Meredith informed. Allie dropped her head and grabbed her bag. "Hey," Meredith stopped. Allie glanced back to the family friend. "It's gonna be okay."

Allie walked out of the office and shut the door to see her father stand up from the chair. They locked eyes for for seconds; Allie broke. Lin immediately pulled his child into his arms, feeling her tears soak through his t-shirt. "Whatever you're going through, I'm here, Mija. I love you," he whispered.

"Thank you, daddy," Allie mumbled. She was grateful that her father was there for with out even knowing why. It was that kind of blind love that brought her to them in the first place. The kind that kept her there.


Pippa sat on the edge of her tub, in the middle of an investigation with her sisters, still in pain. "What does it say?" The nervous mother asked. Jasmine looked at the test, picked it up, and shied it away from Pippa to show Renée. "What does it say?" Pippa asked once more with more anger and less nervous. She was trying to read her friends looks of concern, but knowing they were actresses, Pippa couldn't trust them. "Ugh, give it to me!" She snapped, leaning off the tub and snatching the test from Jasmines hands to read for herself.

"Guys!" Phillipa freaked

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"Guys!" Phillipa freaked. "I think Lin did this on purpose," she concluded, showing her friends the messages. Jasmine's hand went over her mouth, while Renée folded her arms. "What am I going to do?" Pippa cried. It was obvious that she couldn't get an abortion and risk Lin leaving her again, but she wasn't prepared to raise another child. She already had her kids. Most of them were grown. Starting over this late in the game, was petrifying. But what could she do?

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