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11:25 AM

The school day dragged on, as Nova sat next to her aunt, Claudia, in Mr. Lychvarrds Spanish 2 class. They had almost the same schedule except for one class and that aided in the fact that they tried to stick together as much as possible. The school year was only a couple months in and Halloween was around the corner. So clearly, that's what they girls talked about in class instead of actual Spanish. "What are you trying to be this year?" Nova asked. Claudia shrugged, dropping her pen on her notebook.

"Probably high. Allie wants to go to this party and I think I'm gonna tag along. You should come too," Claudia invited. Nova shook her head quickly. She wasn't into the party scene or the drugs and alcohol. She saw the terrible effects of those things in her own house everyday.

"I'm okay. You know that's not what I'm about," Nova declined. Claudia sulked in her seat a little.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! There will be cute boys and plenty of beds," Claudia joked. Before Nova could respond, one of AnneMarie's followers leaned into Claudia.

"Wow, your sister was right. You're as big a slut as the woman who raised you," the girl taunted. Claudia balled up her fist, but tried not to do anything stupid. Her sister had been bad mouthing their mother for a long time and she was used to it, but it still stung a bit. Nova saw her aunts frustration and turned around to the girl.

"Just because your boyfriend knows better than to sleep with the likes of you, doesn't mean we all have to suffer in the virgin club with you," Nova snapped. The girl smirked and flipped her hair.

"Oh really? And when are you gonna cash in your V-Card?" The girl asked really loud. Nova slightly embarrassed, wasn't gonna show it. She was gonna fight back.

"As soon as you tell people what you really meant by summer surgery," Nova smirked before pretending to push up her nose. The girl scoffed and turned back around in her seat as everyone laughed.

"Thanks," Claudia half smiled. Nova rubbed her aunts arm and nodded.

"She was talking about your mom, my Nona. I couldn't let her do that," Nova brushed off. The class soon settled as Mr.Lychvarrd got ready to teach. "Let's just hope he doesn't call Nona, I can not afford to get in trouble," she mumbled, noticing the teachers disapproving face.


Three hallways over, Allie sat in her English class scared out of her mind. The class was reading Great Gatsby and everyone had to take a turn. Allie wasn't the strongest reader and sometimes her letters got a bit mixed up. It was always something she told herself would go away, so she kept it quiet. But, as the years drew on her unnamed dyslexia only got worse. "Allie, can you read the next three paragraphs?" Mrs. Paige asked. Allie slipped on her round rim, black glasses and started to stutter. The mixture of fear and dyslexia caused the sixteen year old to immediately stop reading.

"What's the matter Alleyway? They didn't teach you how to read in dumpster school?" One of the most annoying guys, Nico, yelled from the back corner of the classroom. Allie, knowing she didn't need another detention, got choked up and stayed silent. The teacher didn't even utter a word. That caused Allie to feel immensely helpless, so she did what she always did. Lashed out.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but last time I checked we went to the same preschool. So, where did you sit? Between the half eaten pizza and cut up clothing items? I didn't think so," Allie snapped. Nico rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. The teacher just decided to move on with the class and skip Allie. So, she took off her glasses, laid her head on her desk, and went to sleep.

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