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The Next Dat

Claudia sat at the kitchen counter reading text with her feet in the chair, bright an early Monday morning. She and Allie were up all night teasing Nova about the girl she had kissed outside of school, and Claudia was now tired. "Hey babes," Pippa smiled, opening the fridge. Claudia smiled and placed her phone on the counter.

"Hey," Claudia replied. She watched Allie come up from basement with Nova and smirked. "Mommy, I think we should have pancakes for breakfast on Saturday. Nova do you think Monte would like to join us?" Claudia teased. Nova blushed and sat beside her, shying away from her Nona.

"Shut up!" She whined. Pippa sensed the playful tension and smirked as she placed three bowls in front of the girls.

"Monte, huh? What's he like?" She asked. Allie smirked and dramatically flipped her hair.

"Well for starters, he has vagina and is quit the bad girl," Allie spilled. Nova gasped and slapped Allie's arm out of embarrassment.

"A girl? Even better," Pippa joked. "Is she nice? Does she play sports? What?" She asked passing out the cereal boxes and milk.

"She's a great kisser!" Claudia butted in. Nova's eyes went wide as she placed her head on the counter. Pippa rose an eyebrow, but saw how uncomfortable her granddaughter was and left it alone. She went to change the subject when AnneMarie came down the stairs. As she appeared in the kitchen, Allie, Claudia and Nova went quiet.

"Good morning, hun," Pippa warmly greeted. AnneMarie rolled her eyes and opened the fridge. She quickly grabbed a bottle of water and glanced at her twin up and down.

"Fat ass," she insulted. Claudia rolled her eyes and dramatically looked her sister up and down.

"At least I can still eat a meal," she hit back. Pippa held up her hands at the girls.

"Breakfast is over. AnneMarie, Nova get in the truck," Pippa demanded. AnneMarie silently walked to the garage as Nova groaned.

"I wasn't even done!" She said, hopping downs and taking the bowl with her. "I guess it's to go now," she muttered, grabbing her bag and continuing to eat as she left. Pippa grabbed her morning coffee and rolled her eyes.

"You two get to school on time!" She warned, leaving out of the kitchen behind Nova. Allie looked up from her phone and nodded.

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