The Ego Problem

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Afternoon study started at 3 pm. Without thinking much, I went to her class taking that book in my hand.

'Why did you return it to me? Don't you think you overreacted? My motive was only to help you.' I said bluntly.

She looked at me but didn't respond.

'Why are you showing attitude? You don't need to be arrogant.' I emptied my mind.

Whole class was silent. Girls, especially Bhumi, was staring at me.

'Anybody wants that book?' I tried to break their silence.

Then I called Rajat and gave that book to him.

After study during sports' time Sunil, one of my classmates, came to me and said, 'Principal is calling you, go and enjoy the play.'

Abhi and Vivan were shocked. I saw the three girls in the field staring at us like they wanted to beat us to the death. It was sure that I would be suspended that day. I didn't react. I went there and greeted Sir. I didn't say anything.

'I am calling your father.' Principal said with anger.

He took receiver of landline phone and opened database to see my father's contact number but I didn't respond. I was burning from inside. My friends were too worried and maybe she with her two friends was waiting for the news of suspension but suddenly he put the receiver at its place and turned his chair to my side as I was standing his left side.

'I saw your academic and character record from class VI to XII. Everything is okay with you; you are about to finish your schooling, so what are you trying to prove in your last extremely important time? What do you mean by "Don't become so arrogant?" Who are you to complement her like that? I can suspend you immediately but you are a regular good student of this school. I want to hear from you. Defend yourself.' He asked in a gentle curious way.

'Nothing Sir, I wanted to help her as she is my villager but she refused to take that book and I overreacted. Nothing else, Sir.' I finished all in one sentence.

'So, you apologize for being overreacted?' He asked to know my real intention.

'Yes Sir, I apologize.' I replied in a low voice.

Actually, I didn't want to apologize but I didn't want to go home too. I wanted to live with my friends in the last few days of my school. So, I did this for my friends.

'Okay, good. These girls used to come here often. Each time they come with new complain. So, I suggest you not to waste your time in such type of crazy acts. Just go and focus on your board exams.' He looked at me with an expectation of positivity.

'Thank you very much Sir for giving me this diamond chance to prove myself. I will never disappoint you in future.' I greeted him again and came out.

My friends were waiting for me impatiently. They were relaxed after hearing me and we ran to the ground. We started to play volleyball. I know girls were worried as I failed them. They wanted to get me suspended but I was not happy at all.

'How did she dare to complain against me to Principal?' This question was biting me.

After evening attendance, I planned to ask her everything. I insisted Vivan to go and ask. Evening study was about to start and junior girls were coming to mess hall. She came with her friends and sat on the last bench in the mess. We were watching her from window of mess hall. It was strictly prohibited to go to girls' premises and I was violating the rule again. We both can be trapped in big trouble but he took that risk. He went to her with fast steps and came back after five minutes. We were observing the lady teachers outside. Only few junior girls were there. Then Vivan told the story.

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