The Shock Continues...

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One day she texted me.

'How do you live with Ayush? Your brother, you never talk about him, he is your brother and studied in the same school too.'

'Yes, he is my brother but we don't talk much. He is a reserved type and keeps himself busy with his stuff. He mostly lives in his mind.'

'Did you ever try to know about his social or personal life? His hobbies, passion?'

'He is an adventurous guy, fond of Indian Army and trying hard for Army, physically strong and disciplined too, I don't know much about his social and personal life because I don't want to know but I love him a lot and why are you asking all this?'

'Because you never talk about him. He was mess captain in Navodaya when he was in intermediate. Everybody used to praise him.'

'Everyone still praises him, you like him? Huh?'

'I'm praising him that doesn't mean I like him and one minute, what's wrong in it if I like him?'

'Nothing wrong but it might be an odd taste for me.'

'How stupid you're, overreacting again, don't talk to me, bye.'

'Drama queen, lack patience. I was just kidding you know.'

'I'm not a drama queen. Sometimes you become so irritating, typical guy.'

'Okay sorry.'


'Ok tell me, how do you live with your brother?' I asked her.

'My brother is my friend, he knows everything about me and tells me everything about himself. We often go outside to restaurants and plays with each other and I know that doesn't seem true for you and your brother.' She said.

'I couldn't even imagine this for both of us.'

'Then what's the meaning of your education when you can't open up yourself to your brother?'

'I have nothing to explain to him as he already knows me.'

'Like you know him, great.'

'I got it what you want to say.'

'You got what?'

'You want me to turn our brotherhood into friendship.'


'I will go with him to a cinema or restaurant.'

'No, duffer, it starts with little things, just remember your childhood.'

'Amm, we used to fight in our childhood for small things. He never shared anything with me. He is a reserved type since his childhood. He had a box containing some toys, broken gadgets and some more unique things of metals. He used to keep himself busy playing with them even my parents were not permitted to touch his belongings. He got angry if anyone tried to disturb him. Still, whenever I remember this, I laugh a lot. He always had a habit to collect things. In school we used to talk only when our parents come otherwise, he kept himself involved with his friends. My friends Abhi and Vivan loved him a lot. They used to talk to him.'

'Really, you're a terrible elder brother. You never felt responsible to him. He is a reserved type because of you too.'

'Today I'm feeling that you're saying right. Tell me, how should I start to become his friend?'

'Where is he now?'

'In his room, maybe studying.'

'Go to him, take a selfie with him and put it as your profile picture and then write some lines for him in status.'

'Really, will it work?'

'Do, as I said.'

I went to him and I put my hand on his shoulder then I took one selfie. That was my first random selfie with my brother because of her and that selfie picture was marvelous. He was staring at me with a cute and gentle smile. I did exactly as she said and when she saw that she sent me a clapping sticker.

Next day my brother put one picture as his profile picture that melted my heart completely. He put one of our childhood photos as his display picture. That photo was almost seventeen years old. He clicked it from our album and cleaned it. Both of our heads were clean shaved in that picture. After watching this I started laughing. I wanted to hug him but I stopped. I started to feel that one more part of my parents and my lovely brother is living here. He had a phobia of bike riding and I never liked to ride with him. I always felt uncomfortable with him but the next day I asked him to go for somewhere near the village and offered him a ride with me. We roamed our nearby villages on our bike.

And that evening I texted Aisha.

'Thank you so much Yaar, you did a marvelous job. If you hadn't realized me that, I would never be his buddy. Thank you so much.'

'It's okay, now you can have a meal with him. You can ask and share everything with him.'

'Yes, now I got my real buddy. And I promise you that this bonding will grow day by day.'

'I wish the same.'

That day I realized one thing that I don't believe an accident of birth makes people brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage but 'Brotherhood' is a condition people have to work at and I started to work on it. I started to ask the mother about our childhood and she used to tell us in a very humorous way.

It was the month of December. One day I was asking her about her school friends then she sent me a screenshot of a WhatsApp chat. It was one of her best friends, Vicky. He was desperately mad for her, trying to convince her to be in a relationship with him. The messages were full of sentiments and emotions. I asked her:

'What is this?'

'He is trying to convince me since last month to be with him. He is a very nice guy. I love him but not in that way but I get disturbed when I see him like that. I don't want to lose his friendship but he is insisting since last month.'

'Then what's the problem?' I asked, jealous.

'How can I? I mean I'm not ready for this, especially now.'

'So, tell him that you're not ready.'

'I already told me but he is such a stubborn and I can't block him too. I have very few friends now.'

'Okay, take a deep breath and do what your heart says. I have work and I have to go now.'

'Ohh, sorry for disturbing you and sorry for wasting your time. Bye.'

I saw message but I didn't reply.

I was jealous, completely jealous. I could bear her single but not in a relationship with anyone. I knew that being her single means I could easily talk to her but Vicky disturbed me completely. Since he was her school friend and able to drive her emotionally so more probably, he could succeed to win her heart and if she accepts him then I would be treated like a very normal friend. I wouldn't get her attention anymore.

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