The Stubbornness

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One month and some more days were passed and one day I was standing on the old brick bridge in my village from where I had called her very first-time last year. I came here with one friend during an evening walk. It was a long walk. Coincidentally it was the same date of same month when I phoned her the first time. Places help you to remember the memories. When you are at one particular place where you had spent some of your special happy moment then things automatically start to float into your mind when you come to that place. The place was at the end of our village surrounding by the sugarcane fields and mango gardens. I wanted to call her again. I dialed her unforgettable number and cut it then I send a text to Naina.

'Forgot me, Naina?'

Her WhatsApp profile was not visible that means might be my contact had been removed from her phone.

But she replied immediately: No, there is nothing to forget.

'So why did you delete my contact?'

'I didn't.' Naina replied.

'Is she your mother? And why did you let her do that? Her attitude is unchanged till now.'

She didn't reply and after few minutes Aisha phoned me.

I was smiling. She never phoned me until that day. I was watching her number on my phone screen and feeling the weird emotions. I picked her phone at the last moment.

'Helllllo...' I extended my hello.

'What are you talking to her? She is my friend and you don't have the right to say her like that. I deleted your number because I wanted to.' She said.

'Why did you do that?' I asked.

'Because I don't want you to talk with any friends of mine.' She said.

'I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about your previous deeds. Why did you do that?' I asked in a different tone so that she could get what I meant.

'I'm not bounded to you so I need not to explain anything to you.' She said.

'Don't cut the call like a coward, show me who you really are.' I said.

'Correct, like you have shown yourself. You are a coward, you took my cousin sister among this mess. I never share everything with her and now she knows all the things. Why didn't you solve this by discussing with me directly?' She said with dominating voice.

'You blocked us and you were not replying me since a while, you betrayed my brother, you put me in dark, I tried and tried to talk to you but you didn't respond. You kept yourself separate from this mess like nothing has happened.' I shouted.

'And then you abused me. I know I did wrong and I already apologized for it but you are a liar, you are saying from a while that you love me, and you used the cheapest word for me that I wouldn't like to mention here. A person can never say this to his crush no matter what happens. That was one of the most insulting words for any girl. You are a fake guy. I did wrong to your brother and he had every right to say me something, not you.' She shouted.

'I was the consequence of your deeds. I don't want to do that but you dumped my brother, each time I saw him I always thought to strangle you. Both of you made me that monster and remember that love and hate are the two faces of one coin. Circumstances turn the coin, sometimes. Once you had spoken bitter things about your first love too, people do it all the time. I don't want to discuss about it. I did a mistake and I'm realizing it too like you. You would realize my pain better if you could imagine that your crush just betrayed your real sister and you are not aware of it. You would get three triangular shocks immediately. First, you have just broke trust with your sister. Second, the pain of heartbreak of your sister. Third, Your fake friendship with your crush. Can you imagine this?' I said.

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