Drink and Drive

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After one more hour, my great buddies came.

'Sir, I have one friend here but he is out of station right now, he will be back at night.' Abhi said.

'Where is he right now?' The senior policeman asked.

'In the way, he is coming from Kanpur.' Abhi said.

'Should we put him in Jail, until now, we have other works too.' He said.

'Sir, if you want to do this, then put all of us in Jail, we will wait for him there.' Vivan said.

'I love you Vivan.' Little-me said.

'Is this a joke, you aren't analyzing the situation, he committed a crime and you, his friends, came here empty-handed.' He said.

'Sir we don't have any relative or friend in Jaipur except that one.' Abhi said.

That constable tapped his forehead. He went to another sub-inspector. After ten minutes nearly he came back.

'Where were you staying? Which Hotel?' He asked.

Abhi gave him the details of the Hotel.

'You won't leave Jaipur today, come tomorrow with one local warrenter at 9am.'

'Talk to the Rental Car Owner first, he is in the cabin.' He said.

We went to him. A chubby thirty-year-old rich guy was sitting and gossiping with sub-inspector having two iPhones and one Samsung Galaxy on the table.

'Who was driving?' The owner asked.

I raised my hand.

'Sir, you'll have to pay for all the damage. Insurance can't be claimed over Drink and Drive case.' He said.

'You all are students.' Sub-inspector asked in hard voice.

'Yeah, sir.' Vivan said.

'How will you pay 32,746 rupees?' He asked staring at me.

I didn't respond.

'Should I call your parents?' He asked.

'No sir, I will deal with it.' I said.

'Sir, can we talk for a minute, alone?' I said to the car owner.

'Yeah, sure.' He said.

We come outside with him in the lawn.

'Isn't there something you can do to neutralize this, you know sir, and we're students and currently messed up.' I said.

'Why did you stay there after you hit the car?' He said.

'You should've run somewhere without the car. They seize the car only, not you. You could surrender after five hours, then there would be no drink and drive case. Nothing could happen. You didn't kill anyone so you shouldn't have to be caught by the police.' He said and I reacted like I've done a blunder by cooperating with police.

We all were regretting. He was saying absolutely right. Both of the cars would be affixed by insurance cost if I hadn't been captured by police. I should've run immediately rather inspecting the car like stupid mechanic.

'I can't do anything for you sir now, we always cooperate with our customers in such cases, but I'm not above the law.' The owner said and put a bill amount in my hand.

Vivan booked a cab and we came to Hotel without speaking a word to each other. I was so much angry with me. I should've think about the worse. Too much pessimism put you in shock, sometimes. We didn't think about worse phase before coming here and now we were bearing consequences of it.

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