The Confession

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We reached home, dined together and lay down in the bed.

'So, what happened next?' She asked putting her thighs on mine.

'I think you should think of what I've told you till now. I want to hear your predictions first before the next part.' I said.

'I'm aware of your every sentence, and I do know that more lives are connected in this too, you aren't alone.' She said.

'The next thing that I will tell may shock you, so it's better you take time to revise everything that you heard today and I want to hear your predictions first.' I said.

'Okay, fine.' She said and turned off the lights.

'The thing that you did in the car to me was, just impeccable.' I said and gently rubbed her cheeks.

'You liked it?' She said and hold my hands.

'Why wouldn't I? It was super cool.' I said.

'Yeah, another reason why I did it because I wanted to pull you out from your past.' She said.

'I didn't understand.' I said with curiosity.

'Every time you spoke of your past, you just drowned into it, you forget everything so I did that to remind you that you have a beautiful present too.' She said.

'Means you didn't do it because of your desire, you did it because you still scared to lose me.' I said, serious.

'No, I didn't mean that. I just wanted you to be present in the present.' She said.

I didn't speak and continuously ignored her explanations.

'Okay, just tell me, what do I have to lose now except you?' I interrupted her.

'I don't know, maybe...' I cut her before she completes.

'Nothing.' I shouted.

She got scared.

I put my hands over my head to realize my mistake again. I pulled her into my arms.

'It's nothing my love, you blocked me before you came to my life, and yet you came again when I was broken, you married me, healed me and today if I got the strength to tell you all this it's all because of you, yes I lose into past when I tell you all this but that doesn't mean I forget my present and my present is you, just you. Next time don't need to do anything to please me, you don't have to; just do it when you wish to.' I said.

'Okay.' She said with crumbled voice.

'Sorry for shouting.' I said and kissed her.

'Why women always feel scared towards her love? She must have faith in me that I'm only hers. Just because I'm telling the story of other girl doesn't make me betray my wife.' My mind chatted.

Two days later, I was sitting beside my mother and Ayush phoned me.

'It's brother's call, mamma.' I said and picked up the call.

'Hello brother, how are you?'

'I'm fine, you say bhai.' He said.

'How's preparation going on?' I asked.

'Quite well, how's my sweet bhabhi and mother?' He asked.

'They are fine, so when will you come home? Aren't you missing the home dishes?' I said.

'Don't tempt me. I won't come until my course finishes.' He said.

'Give the phone to mother.' He said further.

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