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3rd Pov

The sounds of mugs slamming together along with the sounds of laughter could be heard coming from somewhere. We see an enormous building and see that the sounds are coming from there. it looks like an ancient Greek building with Marble Pillars at the front and back of the building, the door was an oak door with its handles gold and extremely worn. Around the door were mini-thunderbolts covering it and on top of the door was an emblem.

???#1:Is this the place?

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???#1:Is this the place?

A tall man in a cloak is seen walking up to the building. he was reading a letter with the same emblem as the one on the door, before finally looking up at the door and proceeding to open it.

The laughter and cheering suddenly stopped as an old man with a gray beard comes up to the figure. the two of them stared at each other without saying a word before the old man outstretched his arms and grabbed the hooded man and began to hug him while letting out a hearty laugh.

???#2: Y/N! You finally arrived! I had assumed that you wouldn't come because the party is almost over.

The old man let go of the person now known as Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah, sorry about that Zeus. I ended up taking the wrong carriage and ended up at the ocean.

Y/N lifts his arm to reveal a net brimming with fish of different species. Y/N then gives them to Zeus and began to scratch the back of his head.

Y/N:(slightly irritated) You wouldn't believe how many times I was slapped by those things.

Zeus: Knowin' you, probably a lot.

Both Zeus and Y/N realized that everyone was staring directly at Y/N wondering who he is, Zeus noticed this and began to introduce him to everyone.

Zeus: Everyone, this is Y/N the newest member of our Familia and also the one who brought us more food!

At first, nobody said anything, and this caused Y/N to feel awkward, But soon everyone roared out in joy and welcomed him with open arms.

Y/N was seen dancing and drinking with his fellow Familia members, then he is seen competing and an arm wrestling match against a man named Zald. Y/N ended up losing but he wasn't that bothered by it, instead, he chatted with Zeus who was laughing at him after seeing him getting slammed into the floor, through the table, after losing an arm wrestling match against Zald.

Zeus:(laughing) I told you not to arm wrestle with Zald, but noooo you said "I CaN bEaT HiM" and then-

Y/N: And then I was slammed through the table.

Zeus laughs again and slaps Y/N on the back a couple of times before looking outside the window to see the sun rising, he gets up and began to leave.

Y/N: Where are you going?

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