16 The Minotaur

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I yawned and stood up while rubbing my eyes, I looked around to notice that Solaire was nowhere to be found and I wasn't on the rooftop anymore.

Y/N: Solaire? Where'd you go?

I hear a Metallic clang ringing out to my left causing me to jump up in surprise before looking over at the source of the sound to see Bell countering Ais's attack....wait Bell countered. Bell countered?! Alright! There you go Bell!

I threw my hands into the air before stopping to look around wondering how I got up on Orario's walls. I shrugged and walked up to Bell and Ais while they were talking about something.

Ais: You just countered me, you never did that before.

Bell: (panting) Yeah, I did didn't I?

Ais: That's it for your training then. You've done well, Bell.

Bell bowed to Ais and I finally made it to the two, Ais was the first to notice me while Bell didn't. I smirked and sneaked up behind Bell and Ais could tell what I was about to do and acted like she didn't see me.

Bell: Thank you, Miss Ais, for all your help this week.

Ais: No thank you Bell, but there is one last thing you need to learn.

Bell: And that is?

I smirked before placing a hand on Bell causing her to jump while Ais smiled. I spoke in a rough deep voice as Bell didn't dare to look behind her, I could see her shaking in fear and I could feel my grin widen.

Y/N: Where is my sweet roll?

Bell: Wait what?

Ais: Don't let your guard down no matter what.

Bell immediately turned to me and turned bright red while Ais just laughed at her embarrassed face. I let Bell go and sat down on the floor and looked at the two.

Y/N: Sorry about that Bell but I couldn't help myself. But it's good to know that you finally completed your training with Ais.

Bell: Yeah. But finally, you woke up! I had to drag you from the tavern over here!

Y/N: Why didn't you just wake me up?

Bell: Because!....wait, why didn't I?

Ais face palms while I chuckled before it became a full-on laugh causing Bell to cover her face in embarrassment. I laughed for a few more seconds before stopping as I saw Ais looking at me.

Ais: So are you going to talk to her soon, Y/N?

Bell: Talk to who?

Y/N: Yeah, I think that's enough waiting, or else I'll never do it, like a writer who is working on chapters but procrastinates every chance he gets.

Writer: Why did I write that?

Bell: Why was that so specific?

Y/N: No idea. But anyway, I do plan to talk to her, Ais.

Ais: Alright.

The three of us descended the stairs and parted ways. I and Bell made our way over to our Familia home while Bell complained about how heavy I was...I want to say something about her but I stopped myself or else she'd kick my ass.

Bell: So I'm guessing you aren't going to the dungeon with me and Lili today?

Y/N: (nods) Yeah, I need to do something important today. I promise to join you two once I'm done, alright?

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