Ep 17 The blacksmith

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Me and Bell were heading towards the guild to talk with Eina, and the whole way there I could see Bell with a goofy grin on her face. Finally, we reached the guild and see Eina in her usual spot.

Bell: Hey, Miss Eina!

Eina: Huh? Oh hey Bell! What's up?

Bell: Well you see...

Eina: Let me guess. Something really, really good happened to you?

Bell: Hm? Is it really that obvious?

Y/N: Very, you've been smiling all the way over here and I still don't know why.

Eina: (Chuckles) Indeed, that stupid little smile of yours is a dead giveaway. Well?

Bell: Well get this...my most recent status was the best one I've ever had yet. I have a new skill and everything.

Y/N: Oh? Congrats Bell, but I'm guessing that's not all, right?

Bell: You're right.

I listened to Bell but at the same time I zoned out remembering about my talk with Loki. However, before I could think anymore about it I head a voice right next to us.

???: I just wanna join a party, alright?!

I looked towards the origin of the voice to see Misha nervously smiling while a spiky red head adventure with a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. He has dark blue eyes and he wore a dark blue long sleeve shirt underneath a black Kimono with a brown belt tied to his waist, along with tanned white pants and long brown boots.

???: There's gotta be one out there that isn't full, right?

Misha: Yeah, I'm really sorry, but--

Eina: WHAT?!

I jumped a bit hearing Eina shout in surprise that I nearly fell, but I quickly recovered and looked back at Bell and Eina, who had a look of shock written all over her face while Bell just smiled.
Eina: You mean you hit level two in just a month and a half?!

Y/N: Oh? Good job Bell. 'I should've been listening, but I'll just play it off like I was.'

Bell: Thanks Y/N. And yeah I did Eina...Oh! We need to check out if you leveled up as wel, Y/N!

Y/N: Uh, sure--!

Bell grabbed my by the wrist and drags me out of the guild while I just mental sighed and let it happen. I see Eina's face still with surprise on it as I waved her goodbye...before Bell dragged us out of sight.

Y/N: 'Why can all the girls I know drag me like I'm nothing?! I'm 11'5 and in slightly heavy armor?!'

I sighed before I get thrown down some stairs and landed right next to Hestia who shot out of her bed in shock...wait Hestia?

Hestia: Y/N! Are you alright?

Y/N: Yeah...

Bell: Sorry Y/N!

Bell comes running down the stairs with a grin as she took off her armor and tossed it to the side. I looked away as I hear her take off her clothes and jump into the bed with her back facing me and Hestia.

Hestia: I'm guessing you want me to update you status again?

Bell: Yeah...also sorry for throwing you down the stairs, Y/N.

Y/N: It's fine...'No it isn't.'

Hestia gets up and sits on Bell's back as she began to update Bell's status. Meanwhile, Bell took out the red Minotaur horn and inspected it with pride.

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