Ep 19 The eighteenth floor

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I opened my eyes, seeing the roof of a tent and I immediately sat up and looked around. Remembering what happened last time I was awake, I was filled with fear and panic. But I soon calm down when I see Bell, Lili, and Welf sleeping. They were covered in bandages but they didn't look too severely wounded.

Y/N: So I wasn't just imagining that I saved them. Thank God.

I rest my head in my hands still remembering their deaths and the despair I felt being unable to lift a hand to stop their deaths. I slowly got up and approached Bell before sitting next to her and the other two. I rubbed her head while smiling before feeling a presence enter the tent and I looked up to see Ais.

Y/N: Ais? I see, so was it you who patched them up?


I noticed how she had a worried expression on her face as she looked away from me, she was terrified of me making me wonder why. I stood up and approached her with my hand out to grab her shoulder.

Y/N: Ais? What's wrong?

The moment my hand made contact with her shoulder she flinched and I saw her reaching for her weapon on her waist, but she immediately stopped herself. After a few moments of silence between us, she sighs and calms down.

Ais: Sorry Y/N.

Y/N: It's alright.


Y/N: Is something wrong?

Ais: How much do you know about yourself?

Y/N: Well besides everything that has happened since I joined Hestia's Familia, nothing.

Ais: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm sure.

Ais: Could you tell me what happened when you fought the boss?

Y/N: Uh, sure?

As I went to tell her what I recalled from the Battle with the boss she covered my mouth with a hand and shook her head before pointing to Bell and the other two.

Ais: Not here. For now, come with me.

She exited the tent and I followed her and saw that I was in a camp in the middle of a forest. I looked around seeing people doing many different things from crafting weapons to tending to their wounds.

Y/N: Are we still in the dungeon?

Ais: Yes.

Y/N: How is there sunlight then?

Ais:(points up) There are crystals on the roof that produce artificial light. After a set amount of time, they dim out and it gets dark.

I looked up to see the crystals and I was in pure awe, the crystals were so beautiful and I stopped for a bit to look at them. After a few minutes, I looked back to see Ais making her way into a tent and I followed after her. Once inside I met with the short blonde kid who was one of the leaders of the Loki Familia, besides him were two others of the Loki Familia.

Riveria: Ah, it's good to see that you have recovered Y/N.

Y/N: Riveria, right?

Riveria:(Nods slightly) Yes.

I approached the kid and kneeled a bit to thank him and his part for saving and nursing my part back to health. I noticed how Ais was eyeing my right shoulder now and then as if she was remembering something. I ignored it but kept it at the back of my mind to ask her later.

Y/N: Thank you for saving my family's lives...uh, blonde kid...sorry, I never got your name.

Finn: It's fine. Anyway, it isn't a big deal, we are just glad you all are fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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