Ep 8 White Monkey? RETURN TO MONKEY!

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Bell's Pov

I am currently standing in the place where the "monsterphilia" was going to be held while looking for Y/N. I sighed realizing that I lost Y/N.

Bell: I lost him, damn it Y/N! Why did you have to leave with Syr's money bag?

I kept looking for Y/N in the crowd of people passing me hoping to spot him, but I had no luck.

Bell: And finding either of those two will be next to impossible.

Hestia: Bell!

Bell: Huh?

I looked to my right to see Goddess Hestia. She was holding a bag carrying something in it.

Bell: Goddess? You're back?

Hestia: Well, of course...I missed you so stink in' much. What about you?

Bell: Oh! Of course, I did, it's just that, uh...

Hestia: I'm so glad! I always knew you and I shared an unbreakable bond! Also, where is Y/N? He said he would be with you.

Bell: I was just going to ask if you had seen him. See...I and Y/N were at the "Hostess of Fertility" and one of the waitresses wanted us to give a co-worker their purse because they had left it behind when they went to the "Monsterphilia"

Hestia: I'm guessing that once Y/N heard what the "Monsterphilia" he ran over here and you lost him?

I sighed and shook my head as Hestia also sighed.

Bell: Yeah...

Hestia: Well, I think we should hang out and look for Y/N together, and the person to whom the purse belongs.

She grabbed my hand and brought me to a stall that was making crepes.

Hestia: Two crepes, please!

After our crepes were made, I and my goddess sat on the ground near the arena and started to eat our crepes.

Hestia: Bell, try mine! It's good!

Bell: But Goddess, I already have one. Besides, wouldn't that be kind of......?

Hestia pouts at me and puts her crepes close to my face.

Hestia: What's wrong? Are you grossed out because I bit into it first?

Bell: What? No! It's not like that, it's just wrong for me to take food from a goddess.

Hestia laughed at me as I bit into my crepes embarrassed. I soon noticed that Hestia stopped laughing and I turned to her to see her looking at the arena.

Bell: What's wrong, Goddess?

She pointed above the arena as I followed it and looked at where she was looking to see...Y/N?

Hestia: Is that Y/N?!

Bell: Why is he up there?! Y/N!

Y/N's Pov

5 minutes earlier

Guard: Sorry sir, but I can't let you in.

Y/N: Huh? Why not?!

Guard: Because the list is already full.

Y/N:.......how about I give you an early payday?

Guard:................How much?

Y/N:.....1569 vails?

I held out a pouch holding the exact amount of Vails as the guard just looked at me quietly while squinting his eyes at me.

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