Ep 11 Getting Bell New Armor

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3rd POV

Eina: Seriously? Floor 7?!

Y/N and Bell were at the guild talking with Eina about how they believed they could go all the way to floor 10. While Bell wanted to go to floor 10, Y/N thought otherwise, because he didn't want Bell to make a foolish decision and get herself possibly killed.

Eina: But just the other day the two of you almost got yourself killed on the 5th floor!

Y/N: What do you mean by "almost"? We had no difficulty with the 5th floor.

Eina: But still! What makes you two think that you are ready to jump to the 10th floor?! How insane can you possibly be?!

Y/N tilts his head back and forth while counting his fingers. After a few minutes, he stopped counting and looked back up at Eina while shrugging.

Y/N: Not, too, insane yet, but did you know that Hippos can't swim? However, they can run underwater, which is terrifying to think about when you are out swimming.

Bell: Y/N? Did you get enough sleep last night?

Y/N gives her a nervous side eye before smiling and boops her nose.

Y/N: Yes I did. 'no I didn't'

Bell: Right. Anyway, can we Miss Eina? The two of us have grown a lot since then, remember the Silverback incident?

Y/N: I think I've grown enough Bell, if I grew anymore I'll start having to crawl into the building instead of crouching.

Bell: Not that type of growing Y/N.

Y/N nods his head while looking around the guild and then back down at Bell.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess that makes more sense...

Y/N then gives Bell a cheeky grin as he kneels to her height.

Y/N: I mean, why would you talk about growing when you are 4'5? Not to mention your chest is quite small...

Y/N grins as Bell turns bright red and attempts to hit Y/N in the face by jumping, but Y/N just sidesteps her, picks her up by her waist, and spins her around much to her embarrassment.

Y/N: I'm just joking around, Bell, you look beautiful even while being short.

He grins as Bell turns even more red and looks away. Soon Y/N put her down while Eina was just in the background chuckling softly.

Bell: Oh! Eina, did I tell you that my and    Y/N's status is at D already? Well, mostly    Y/N's.

Eina: D?! But, no, that shouldn't be possible....come with me for a bit, I need to see both of your statuses.

Eina walked away as Bell and Y/N followed her into a room. Bell was the first one to have her status checked by Eina while Y/N was looking away while holding his monster stones and looking at them, mainly the one that contained the monster that gave Y/N the shield during his fight with the Silverback.

Eina: Hmm...let me just...ah! There we go! Both of your strength and endurance are both...hold on....D?! How...? And your agility is on...the brink of C?!

Eina had a look of shock while Bell and Y/N laughed at her shocked expression. Y/N sees some cake on a nearby table and drools as he grabs it and begins eating it.

Y/N: Good job Bell. 'mmm this cake is good!'

Eina: You weren't kidding Bell! I think that with all these stats you could go all the way to the 10th floor, but still, I think that you should both take it slow since if you were to just head directly for floor 10, you might die.

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