Ep 1 A new beginning

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3rd pov

A girl with white hair is seen running from something. A minotaur, which is breaking everything in its path to chase her.

???: This has got to be one of my worst days in the dungeon.

While running, the girl spotted a crack in the wall. It was big enough for her to fit inside.

???: Maybe I can lose it in there?

She goes into the crack in the wall and sees that there was a hidden area behind it.

???: What the?

She hears the heavy footsteps of the minotaur and covers her mouth.

Minotaur:(looking around).....

Soon the Minotaur leaves and the girl lets out a sigh of relief.

???: Now to leave......actually.

She turns around and decided to explore the hidden area. She finds lit torches on the walls and moss everywhere.

???: Maybe I can find something here to help with goddess Hestia's money problems?

She keeps walking and finds a massive metal door with engravings on it, but they were too worn out to make out.

???:A metal door?

She looks around for a key but doesn't find one.

???:(Sighs) guess this is where I stop.

She leans against the door to take a rest before heading back up, but the door opens and she falls in.

???: woah?!?

When she gets back up, she turns around and sees a throne room in ruins. She looks around in amazement at the beauty, but while looking around she sees a figure on top of the throne.

???: Is that a person?

She starts walking up to them but stops and thinks that maybe this is a trap. So, she slowly approaches the figure from their blind side with her weapon drawn.

???:(Thinking) Please don't be alive, please don't be alive!

When she is right behind the throne she peeks over it to see the figure slouching down. From the way the armor the figure wore, it was a male. His armor was damaged and had massive bite marks where his stomach was. And from that specific injury, the girl concluded that he was dead.

???: Poor gu-

She immediately stops when the figure began twitching and soon the figure fell from the throne with a loud thump that echoed throughout the room.

???:(whispering) Crap!

She immediately ducks down behind the throne.

???:(thinking) I knew this was a trap! Why did I even try going near it?!?

It was dead quiet and the armored man didn't move for a while.

Armored man:(Coughing)

The armored man tried getting up but fell in pain as he clutches the wound on his abdomen. He rolled around in pain before shaking as slowly got up from the ground with the support of the throne.

???:(thinking) he's alive! But how? With a giant wound like his, he should be dead.

The armored man collapsed on the throne startling the girl, but luckily she covered her mouth. So, she didn't make a sound.

Armored man:(In a raspy voice) W-Where am I? The last (cough) thing I can remember was falling but after that.......nothing.

The armored man tried to take off his helmet to breathe better, but as he tried to take it off he realized it was stuck on him.

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