Ep 12 The Supporter

693 21 13

3rd POV

Y/N was seen sleeping above Hestia and Bell on one of the support beams of their Familia home. Next to Y/N was the Grey wolf who was in her wolf form sleeping on his back.

Y/N began moving around slightly while drooling and mumbling in his sleep causing the Grey Wolf to wake up and look down at Y/N with annoyed eyes before getting off his back and laying on another Support beam.

Y/N:(sleepily) I am the almighty Cake Knight! No cake shall escape me, I am their worst nightmare-... Oh? Hello there Velvet Cake, I see you so don't run and let me eat you!

Y/N began trying to reach out to the "cake" while the Grey wolf smiled knowing what was about to happen as she wagged her tail.

Y/N: (sleepily) Almost....

He reaches his arms out to catch the "Cake" but he falls off the support beam he was sleeping on and hits the ground face-first forcing him to wake up from his dream.

Y/N stood up quickly and looked around looking for the Velvet Cake he saw earlier while the Grey wolf just wagged her tail while laughing at him from above.

Y/N: I'm up! Where is it?!  Where is the Velvet cake?!

He keeps looking around for the Velvet Cake for 12 minutes before hanging his head in sadness and disappointment.

Y/N: Damn it! It was just a-

He gets a pillow thrown at his face by Bell who looks at the cake-hungry man with annoyance while rubbing her eyes.

Bell: Would you shut up?! It is still early in the morning!

Y/N grabs the pillow off his face as he hears the Grey wolf laughing at him he looks up at her and throws the pillow at her. The Grey Wolf sees it but she can't move out of the way in time as she gets hit in the face by the pillow and knocked off.

Y/N: That will teach you to not laugh at me Sif!

Y/N catches Sif with a Smirk while she looks at him while growling, but immediately stops and bites his hand. However, she immediately regrets it as she has bit his armor.

Y/N: Heh Heh.

Y/N then sat Sif on his head and climbed back onto the support beam he was sleeping on. He then grabbed his pouch, which contained some crystals that the monsters Sif had killed when he first met her last night.

Y/N: 'It was so difficult to explain to Bell and Hestia how I now had a Wolf who could switch from a wolf to a humanoid woman. At least Bell somewhat understood me, but Hestia was another case'

He shivered remembering what Hestia had done to him when she had thought he had Sif wear next to nothing when he introduced her to Hestia and Bell. Luckily Sif explained how she didn't like wearing much and how she could just switch to her wolf form, which she did.

Sif boops the top of Y/N with her paw as he looks up at her and smiles while taking her off his head and laying her in his lap. Y/N began to ponder something while scratching Sif behind the ears causing her tail to wag.

Y/N: 'Eina was right, me and Bell do need a supporter. Bell and I are killing so many goblins to the point where we can't carry all the crystals and even have to leave some behind.'

Y/N hops off of the support beam and walks up to the sleeping Bell. He writes down something on a piece of paper places it on the desk next to Bell and gives the sleeping Bell a head pat, but as he is about to pull his arm away he feels how warmer Bell is.

Y/N: 'Damn she is burning up. She must be sick right now, it must be because of the rain yesterday.'

He thinks back to the day before when they had just finished saving that girl from the plain-looking man. Just as they had left it started to rain and Bell tripped into a puddle of water.

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