Ep 13 Magic?

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Currently, the sun was setting while I was sitting in the center of town waiting for my date. As for who it was? Well, it was Hestia. After I had returned from my date with Lili, Goddess Hestia asked me out on a date. As for Lili, she had to go do something today and said we could go to the dungeons some other time.

I sighed and took off my helmet as a lot of the women nearby, especially the ones with boyfriends already stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time.

Y/N: It feels weird not to wear my helmet, especially when multiple girls are giving me those looks.

I sighed as Sif popped out of my chest plate and looked around before giving me a lick on the cheek and disappearing back into my chest plate.

???: You weren't waiting long, were you, Y/N?

I turned to where I heard the familiar voice to see Hestia standing there. She wasn't wearing her usual attire, instead, she was wearing something similar but it was looser and her hair wasn't held up in pigtails, instead, her hair was just straight down to her hips.


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Y/N:....'She looks beautiful...or, well, uh, more beautiful than usual.'

Hestia: Y/N? Are you there?

Y/N: H-huh? Uh, yeah, why?

Hestia: You are as bright as a tomato.

I looked at a nearby window to see my reflection, I was indeed blushing. I turned back to Hestia after calming down and I stood up and bowed.

Y/N: Sorry, My Goddess. It's just that...your beauty had me in a trance. Almost to the point, I forgot who I was.

Hestia: W-well uh...you, uh, you...

I see Hestia lightly blush as she squints her eyes at me and is going to say something, but stops herself. Suddenly two Women, who I assume are Goddesses, appear next to us.

Goddess#1: Hestia, is he your boyfriend? He is kind of sexy.

Goddess#2: He's so tall...I wonder about down below?

The two goddesses pushed Hestia out of the way, knocking her to the ground as they surrounded me and began pulling my arms. Then another three Goddesses appeared and joined in asking very personal things about me.

Soon another Goddess appeared, but unlike the ones surrounding me, she didn't hug me instead she just stood back near Hestia.

???: Oh Hestia, we just couldn't resist when we saw him.

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