Ep 14 Training with Ais

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3rd POV

Y/N was kneeling in front of Hephaestus without his armor on while she held his damaged equipment. Hephaestus looked pissed that Y/N had damaged his armor this badly as she lightly smacks him on the head.

Hephaestus: You idiotic cake-loving man! You need to be careful, alright?

Y/N: Yes ma'am...sorry.

She sighs and sits down placing Y/N's armor off to the side and grabbing her hammer off the wall. Hephaestus stares down at Y/N while tightly gripping her hammer before stopping and letting out a massive sigh.

Hephaestus: It's alright, the armor did what it was intended for. However, with how badly it is damaged I'll need to keep it here for a while.

Y/N: Alright..may I use the forge to make myself some armor?

Hephaestus looks at Y/N blankly while we see in her mind that she was thinking about Y/N only wearing his pants and the apron while working on his new armor. She bleeds from her nose a bit and nods her head while blushing.

Hephaestus: Yes you can!... uh, I mean, you can. There should be some materials inside the forge, I'll be watching you though. I need to see you--I mean I need to make sure you don't make any mistake!

Y/N: Uh, alright?

Y/N stopped kneeling and stood up while smiling at Hephaestus. He walked over to the bookshelf and pulled down the book and the bookshelf slid to the side revealing the forge. Y/N entered the forge with Hephaestus right behind him and the bookshelf closed behind them.

Meanwhile Bell and Ais

Bell is sent flying into a wall dropping her dagger. She tries to recover and grab her dagger but the tip of a sword is pointed at her throat and she raises her hands in surrender.

Bell: I give up!

???: Are you sure?

Bell rapidly nods her head as the camera pans over to the person holding the sword to reveal, Ais, she sighs and puts her sword away while Bell stands up and picks up her dagger.

Ais: Let's try this again.

Ais walks away from Bell and stops a few feet away from her. Bell nods her head and gets ready to attack Ais again. Bell lunged at Ais and the two began training once more.

Bell: 'I still can't believe Y/N managed to ask Ais to train me.'


Y/N, Bell, Eina, and Ais were at the guild sitting down and talking in one of the corners of the building. Bell was sweating bullets while Y/N kept her from running away.

Ais: You dropped this earlier, Y/N.

Ais takes out a necklace causing Y/N to immediately look down at his neck. When he realized that was his necklace he looked back up at Ais with a grateful expression and took the necklace from her.

Y/N: Thanks, Ais. I wouldn't know how I'd react once I noticed it was missing.

He shook her hand and put the necklace back on. While he was doing that Bell tried to escape again, but Y/N just stopped her with his leg and glared at her causing her to stop trying immediately.

Ais looks over at Bell causing the white-haired girl to stiffen up before being confused as Ais slightly bows.

Ais: I would like to apologize to you.

Bell: Huh?

Ais: If I hadn't allowed that Minotaur to escape, you and Y/N wouldn't have been put in danger that day.

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