Ep 6 Cake Fight And Meeting Hephaetus

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I was being dragged through town by Bell while wondering how she could even drag me with me being a giant compared to her and heavier.

Y/N: Bell? Where are we going and could you stop dragging me?!

Bell kept on running until we made it to the "Hostess of Fertility" Bell finally let go of me and I fell on my ass.

Y/N: Ow...

I get up and dust myself off as Mia comes out, wondering what the commotion was. Bell began bowing repeatedly.

Bell: I'm so, so, SO sorry!

Bell finally stops bowing before taking out a bag of Vail and presenting it to Mia, who just sighed and took the bag of Vail.

Bell: I swear I never meant to run off and have Y/N pay for the other night! The Vail in the bag should be the right amount I owe.

Mia: Well I do appreciate you goin' through so much trouble bringing me this. Yeah... Because if you hadn't. I would've come to find your ass for having to pay for both your and his meals...and I would show you why my customers fear me... Speaking of   Y/N.

Mia slowly looked over at me with a smile, but I could tell it wasn't a happy smile. Mia whacked me upside the head and began scolding me.

Mia: While I am glad you shut that drunkard up and paid for the tab did you have to attack someone from the Loki Familia?!

Bell:(confused) Wait... What?!

Y/N: (proudly) Yep, you remember that Wolf girl who was insulting you, right? I threw beer in her face, knocked her out, and then poured more beer on her unconscious face before leaving... Oh! I also called Loki a flat chest!

Now it was Bell's turn to scold me, she began telling me how stupid I was for attacking someone from another Familia,  especially the Flat-...I mean the Loki Familia.

Y/N: Mind if I tell you something?

Bell: (pulling his ear) What?

Y/N: (smiles) It was worth it! I couldn't have someone talking bad about my Familia members, especially the future hero now can I? Though it was dumb what I did, but still worth it.

I give Bell a head pat causing her to blush before she and Mia begin talking about something, but I tune them out as I think back to that night.

Y/N: (thinking) Why did Loki give me such a look? She looked pissed at me but after looking at my face for a few seconds her face had one of confusion, happiness, and something else...

I am torn from my thoughts by Syr appearing next to me seemingly out of nowhere with two boxes of lunch offering them to me and Bell. I happily grabbed my box but Bell declined hers.

Mia: Yknow? You both are lucky that Syr likes both of you. And you two should know. The only reason me and the others forgave your little indiscretions is because she begged and begged us to.

Bell: She said that?

Y/N: (rubs the back of his head) Damn now I feel bad for causing such a ruckus when she invited me to this tavern...buuutttt my happiness for knocking the lights out that Loki familia girl outweighs that!

I immediately get whacked in the head by both Mia and Bell as they scold me and tell me to not even think about doing it again... But I would do it again if it could maybe 10 times more than I did :)

Mia then told us about how most adventures don't get quite far in life trying to act all cool and crap. She told us to mainly focus on staying alive and how an adventure might look weak and be made fun of for being weak, but they are the ones who come back in one piece and are the real winners. She then lets us go on our way.

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