Ep 7 becoming Hephaestus's student

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Y/N's pov

Metallic clang

I looked up from the Bestiary to see Hephaestus grabbing a hammer off the wall and I closed the Bestiary.

Hephaestus: So what type of weapon does Bell use? Judging from what I've heard about Bell, she uses a Dagger, right?

Hestia: Yes, but...

Something finally clicks in Hestia's head as I see her bursting with energy as she smiles at Hephaestus.

Hestia: Ah! Oh wow, are you going to make it yourself, Hephaestus?

I put the Bestiary back where I found it as I turned back to the two.

Hephaestus: Well, yeah, of course, I am. However, this is just between the three of us, okay?

Hestia was listening intently while I just gave a simple nod, and looked around the shop with admiration.

Hephaestus: I do NOT want my Familia to get mixed up in any of this!

Hestia: Awesome! The only heavenly goddess known as the Divine Artisan is creating a weapon for free.

Y/N: I honestly can't wait to see you in action, Hephaestus! I bet your technique is as beautiful as your red hair.

Hephaestus looks over at me lightly blushing as she quickly looks back at Hestia while twirling her hair.

Hephaestus: T-thanks. ..

She fake coughs and breaths in before going back to her usual expression.

Hephaestus: You didn't forget, did you? We are no longer in heaven anymore, Hestia. So that means we're not able to use our divine powers for ANY reason, remember?

Hestia nodded her head while jumping up and down happily while I smirked at her and decided to join in for a bit, but a few seconds later I fell on my butt.

Hephaestus and Hestia cracked a smile before laughing for a bit before I stood up.

Y/N: Yeah, Yeah. Laugh all you want.

The two goddesses eventually calmed down, Hephaestus goes to the bookshelf and pulls down a book causing it to open up a secret passage.

Mechanical creaking

Y/N: Hey, uh, Hephaestus?

She turns around and looks at me as I breathe in and out before speaking what is on my mind.

Y/N:...What was heaven like?

Both goddesses stared at me in silence as I started to sweat a lot.


3rd pov

Both Hephaestus and Hestia kept looking at Y/N as they wondered why he wanted to know about Heaven, then again, all the humans they'd met asked the same thing. As the two goddesses began thinking about how to explain it to Y/N they began hearing a loud heartbeat and began looking around for the source.

The two then look at Y/N figuring out it is him, Hestia quickly walks up to Y/N and his heartbeat increases as she lightly bumps his head...or well she tried to but couldn't because he was too damn tall for her. Hestia walked away with a frown as she came back with a chair and placed it in front of Y/N, she then stood on it and managed to boop his head, barely.

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