Ep 9 Bell And Y/N Vs The Silverback

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Writer: I'm going to be attempting something different for this chapter. If you don't like it then I'll go back to the original way I write.

Writer: So here is what I'm going to do...

Thinking: 'I wonder what cake I'll eat?'

Using a skill: <Fear Howl>

Writer popping in to say hi or something: (Did you know that you can fit two raccoons somewhere? I recently did and now I have a restraining order for a raccoon. )

Action: (Scream in Spain)

Writer: I'll just be doing these things for this chapter, but if you like me to keep these in then I will. And also, enjoy the chapter.


3rd Pov

Bell is seen ducking and dodging the Silverback's swings while running through narrow alleyways to make it difficult for it to follow her, but midway through the chase the Silverback had enough and began breaking through some of the buildings.

Bell: 'It was a clear day just like this one'


Bell is seen as a bit younger in the flashback. She is staring up at the clear blue sky as a man runs up to her.

???: Bell! Something's happened!

Bell: (Voice-over) My grandfather was attacked and killed by a monster up in the mountains, my neighbor said that a monster had killed him and that monster came from a place called the "Abyss," it was killed by someone but I never found out who it was.

The scene changes as we are now in Bell's house with her kneeling in front of the fireplace with tears in her eyes while looking at some papers.

Bell: (Voice-over) They had told me that my Grandfather's body had fallen into the same place that monster came from..."The Abyss." I wanted to go looking for him but from what I had learned anyone who tried ended up dying in The Abyss."

The scene changes again to show Bell walking out of her Grandfather's house, but she looks back one last time at the now-empty house.

Bell: Grandfather, I'm going to be...an adventure!

A few hours had passed and Bell was now seen in a city going around and asking to join people's Familia, but she didn't have any luck, some laughed at her while others just immediately shut the door on her.

Bell: (Voice-over) However, the problem was, it was impossible to find a Familia out there...at least one that would accept an adventure as weak as me.

Bell is seen in an inn room curled up into a ball, crying as we hear the voices of the people who didn't accept her into their Familia echoing all around the room as her cries worsen.

Hours had passed and Bell didn't get an ounce of sleep, she left the inn once she realized the sun was out and began looking for another Familia.

Bell is shown begging another Familia to take her in, but, just like the last ones, they would end up doing the same thing.

Bell: Please Sir! Let me join your Familia, I can be of help!

She is kicked out of the building as one of the Familia members leans against the doorway looking at Bell with disgust.

???: Ha! Come back when you are stronger, matter of fact...never come back!

He slammed the door in Bell's face as she slouched against a nearby wall about to cry again, but then she heard a pair of light footsteps approaching her from out of the darkness.

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