Ep 5 Status Check

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Currently, Hestia is up on Bell's stats. Meanwhile, both Y/N and Susie were talking to each other and playing chess.

Hestia:(Surprised Goddeses noises)

Bell looks up at Hestia with a slightly worried expression.

Bell: Is something wrong Goddeses?

Hestia: Uh, well, no! Not at all.

Hestia keeps looking at Bell's stats as she goes into deep thought.

Hestia:(thinking) She is growing far too quickly, how much has Y/N grown then?

The image of both Bell and Y/N's weapons and armor damaged and bloodied flashed in Hestia's head for a second.

Hestia:(thinking) I know what is currently happening is out of the ordinary but.....that's not enough to explain any of this.

The camera turns to Bell's back as her stats are still being calculated. The camera then turns to Hestia as she is looking more and more irritated.

Hestia:(thinking) It must be this rare skill that I have never heard of before! Realis Phrase! Thanks a lot, Wallen-whatever...

Fire could be heard behind Hestia as she turned around to see Susie angry and burning a chess board with Y/N smiling at  Susie. Y/N pulled out a notebook and began writing down Susie's skills while she used one of them to destroy the chessboard even more.

Hestia:(Thinking)....what are they doing? Anyways, from what I have learned of Realis Phrase, the skill causes an extreme growth rate as long as Bell maintains her feelings, and it accelerates depending on how strong they are.

She then puts the stats on paper and gets the attention of both Y/N and Susie.  Susie looked at Hestia while stomping on the burnt Chessboard.

Hestia: Well isn't that SO nice for you, Bell

She roughly slapped Bell's back repeatedly causing both Susie and Y/N to look at her with confused expressions.

Bell: Ow! x4

Hestia: You pervert! Miscreant! Scoundrel! Philandress!

Y/N tilted his head in confusion as he and Susie looked at each other.

Y/N: What does Philandress mean?

Susie: (Shrugged) How am I supposed to know?

Hestia stopped hitting Bell in the back and hopped off of her back as she gained a serious expression.

Hestia:(Thinking) Should I tell Bell about this? And maybe Y/N as well, because if he is going to help her, he needs to know.

Hestia thinks back to when they both had come back with injuries and she remembers how Bell wanted to get stronger.

Hestia: (thinking) Now the other gods will want Bell now, and if they find out about   Y/N also being unique, they will want him as well.

Hestia sighed before looking at Bell, who was putting her shirt back on.

Hestia: Hey Bell? Can I just tell you what your stats are today? And Y/N? Can I check your stats as well?

Bell: Uh, sure.

Y/N: Sure thing, Hestia.

Y/N got up and took his armor off and lay on the bed. Hestia walked up to him and sat next to him as she began to check his stats.

Hestia: (Thinking) I think I'll just... Give them a little push.

She then looked down at Y/N and checked out his stats. Y/N looked up at Hestia while thinking about something.

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