Ep 4 The goblin

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3rd pov

Y/N was still sleeping with both Hestia and Bell, but soon his pouch began glowing before it opened up and the stone that contained the Goblin girl pops out and lands on the floor.

After a few more second the Goblin girl poofs out of the stone and looked around with a angry but confused expression.

Goblin girl: Where the hell did that human Bastard take me?!?

She keeps looking around until she spots Y/N and grabbed him...or well tried to.

Goblin girl:(Whispering) Why the hell is he so heavy?!? And who sleeps with their equipment on them?

Eventually she managed to pull him off the bed and began dragging him out of the the church.

Goblin girl: This damn Bastard is so heavy!

Time skip Y/N's Pov

I get hit by someone as I slightly wake up and looked around.

Y/N: Am I hanging upside down in a forest?(yawns) what an odd....dreaaammmm.

I closed my eyes as I slowly fell asleep again, but....

???: Oh no you don't!

I get hit in the face Really hard as I fully wake up and held my face.

Y/N: My damn face! What was that for Hestia or Bell!?!

???: I'm not this so called "Hestia" or "Bell" you human Bastard!

I opened my eyes fully to see the goblin girl from earlier today as I slapped away the stick she was hitting me with.

Goblin girl: My stick!

Y/N: Oh, it's you female Goblin....what's your name? Or do I just keep calling you female goblin?

Susie: You can call me, Susie the goblin, or just Susie. And you were one heavy giant of a human I had to carry. I mean who sleeps with their armor on?

Y/N: Alright then, Susie.

I looked around before looking up to see my legs tied up and I tried to get free before stopping.

Y/N: Could you let me down? Or are you going to keep me here.

Susie: Hmm...if you do something for me.

Y/N: And that is?

Susie cuts me down as I hit my head on the ground and hold my head for a bit before looking at her.

Y/N: I wasn't expecting you to just cut me down...so what do you need?

Susie: Well, after you slaughtered all my friends and kidnapped me, as well as being tamed by you, I had left a very important thing of mine back in the cave.

Y/N: Is it a photo with you and two other goblins?

Susie: Yes.

I sat down as I took out the photo from earlier and gave it to here.

Susie:...why do you have it on you?

Y/N: Well before I left I saw it in the corner of my eye and took it. I was thinking that you would want it once I brought you ou-

Susie's stomach growled as she blushed and looked away. I laughed a bit as I pat her head.

Y/N: Come with me.


Another armored man is hunting goblins with a priestess as he stops for a split second?

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