Ep 10 A Dream?

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I am awoken by the sounds of water hitting the ground and echoing. As I opened my eyes to see nothing...that was just it. I saw nothing like I was in a place void of any light. This place I was in was familiar and oddly comforting to me, but I'd never been here, right? Right?

Y/N: Where am I? Where is Bell and Hestia?

I could hear my voice echoing the area around me as I stood up, and I looked around for any sight of my Familia, but they weren't anywhere to be seen. I began walking around this void and the only thing I could hear was my footsteps and something else...something Evil.

Y/N: I need to find a way out as soon as possible. I wish someone, anyone was here... wherever here is.

I began walking for what like hours in this dark plane I was at. I eventually stumbled upon....people? I think they are people but they look....off and familiar. There were roughly twelve of these things, they had a black and misty body with a white outline and glowing white menacing but comforting eyes. I hid behind a rock and studied them, not knowing if they were hostile or not.

Y/N: The hell?

Some looked like adults while the smaller ones looked like children. The smaller ones were seen playing with each other, I believe that they were playing tag or something like that...I sighed

Y/N: 'Should I? No...approaching them is a bad idea, but yet...why does something inside me wanna hug them? Like if I missed them in some sort of way.'

After a long few minutes of debating I decided to approach them cautiously because I now realized that I didn't have my sword or that odd shield that was spar out of the monster stone I received a while back.

Y/N: 'This is so damn stupid. I should probably check what monster is inside that stone once I get out of here...now that I think about it... '

I looked down at my waist hoping to see the monster stone that held Susie or that unknown monster, but they weren't there. I sighed as I finally approached the misty things, which had finally noticed me as they slowly floated towards me with hostility.

Y/N: I knew this was a bad idea!

I slowly backed up with my hands raised as I got ready to slam my fist into one of them, but a few of the smaller misty things seemed to have reacted to my voice as they seemed to stop the bigger misty things.

The one in the middle had a more unique look to it compared to the others. The misty appearance it had seemed to begin to form a more... human-ish shape as if it was trying to mimic me.

It soon gave me a look of hostility as it tried to attack me, but the moment it was about to try and slam itself into me it stopped and began looking deep into my eyes as if it were looking for someone

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It soon gave me a look of hostility as it tried to attack me, but the moment it was about to try and slam itself into me it stopped and began looking deep into my eyes as if it were looking for someone. It then turns into a more, cute-ish form as its hostility immediately vanishes.

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