Ep 3 meeting Syr and the Loki Familia

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Y/N's Pov

Bell was showing me around the town while we talked, but we soon stopped and turned around.

Bell: Hey, Y/N?

Y/N: It felt like we were being watch, right?

Bell nods her head as I looked around for anyone suspicious before I heard someone near us.

???: Um, excuse me?

Y/N: Huh?

I looked at the person to see a lady in a bar outfit. She had a Grey or blue-ish hair color and eyes.

Y/N: Oh, uh, hello? May I ask who you are?

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Y/N: Oh, uh, hello? May I ask who you are?

Syr: Oh right! I am Syr it is nice to meet you two and uhh, you dropped this.

She then gave me a magic stone and I grabbed it while lookin at her confused.

Y/N: Odd. I thought that I cashed everything in earlier today, is this your Magic stone, Bell?

She shook her head as I shrugged and put it in my pouch. I then looked at Syr and bowed.

Y/N: Thank you, Syr.

Syr looked at me and Bell for a bit, studying us.

Syr: The two of you are Adventures, right? Are you going in the dungeon this early in the day?

Bell: Uh-huh. Yes, we are, even though Y/N already went to the dungeons earlier.

Both me and Bell's stomachs growled as Bell blushed in embarrassment while I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head.

Y/N: Heh, I forgot to eat today.

Syr handed the both of us two small boxes with food. Bell looked surprised while I smiled

Syr: it's not much, but the two of you should take them. You wouldn't wanna starve in the dungeon, would you?

Bell: B-But we ca-

I pat Bell's head as she blushed. I then grabbed her back and put it in her bag and put mine in my pouch.

Y/N: Bell, something tells me that you'll eventually give into what she says and take it anyways. Also thanks, Syr.

I pat her head and rubbed it causing her hair to get a bit messy.

Y/N: Whoops.

Bell: But, Y/N, aren't these her lunch for the day? We can't accept them!

Syr: Ah, don't worry, Bell. I work here, so I can just get some of the food from here.

Bell: But...

???: Nya! Nya! Nya!

I turn to my left to see a girl with a cat tail running around the tavern. I wanted to approach her and pat her ears, but I decided not to as Syr got my attention.

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