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𝐽𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑦 𝑗𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑆𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑛𝑦𝑐

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𝐽𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑦 𝑗𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑆
𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑛𝑦𝑐


I was currently at my mothers house , Rosalind wanted to go to PR for her birthday "so are you gonna go" Rosalind sat by me.

"Yea lemme call Kay real quick" she nodded "yo" I smiled "so I'm gonna need you or your mom to watch Esrä next week" I glanced over at Rosalind who quickly nodded her head.

"Aight I gotta show so I might ask ma moms" I shrugged "i don't mind she hasn't seen him in a long time anyways" we both nodded.

"Tell him your coming with me" Rosalind whispered "where you goin next week doe"

"I'm going with my sister to PR for my sister 17th birthday" he nodded "alright later tho I'm bouta go pick up Esrä" I nodded.

"He's still with Brooklyn?" I asked "yea but he wanna go home now" Kay laughed "okay tell him to call me when he gets to your house" Kay nodded.


"Yess you can go" Rosalind shoved me "duh" I got up from the couch "so your going home?" I nodded putting on my slippers.

"Or are you going to Kay's house" she smirked "mind your business" I threw on my hoodie

"You are my business journey" I rolled my eyes.


"My bad I'm late it was mad traffic" I told Kay who nodded his head "it's aight, esrä sleep" I nodded following him to the living room.

"How long he been sleeping?" I sat beside him on the couch "half hour" I checked the time 9:34PM "yo but ima be back, you stayin here right?" Kay stood from the couch.

"Yea why?"

"I'm bouta go do sum I'll be back later tonight" Kay placed a kiss on my forehead grabbing his car keys.

He left and I turned off the tv going upstairs I checked on Esrä before going to the bath. I showed and went to sleep.

"Journey" Kay kissed my neck and my cheek "Kay" I looked at him "journey I'm sorry , you the only female I wanna be with" I knew he was drunk.

"Kay you been drinking?" I asked "I need you journey" I gently pushed him "Kay you stink and you smell like weed" I turned on the light.

"No I ain't been drinking" damn he lie while he drunk to, Kay eyes were low and red he stood up from the bed stumbling.

"I want another baby withchu" i quickly raised my brows "Kay go shower" I walked him to the bath room I ran a bath for him helping him take his shirt off.

I went back to the room getting him some sweats and a shirt "your clothes are on the toilet when your done" he nodded and I left.

I got back in the bed "where Esrä" Kay got underneath the covers "he's in his room"

"Esrä you got to get up" I rubbed his back "when I get your clothes out and when I come back you should be up" I left the room.

I went inside Kay's room he laid awake on the bed "I was trippin last night?" He sat up I chuckled "not really you were just saying some things" I went to my closet.

"Like what?"

"You were like oh 'I only want to be with you' and more" I chuckled "oh I'm sorry" Kay wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh and you were like you wanted another baby with me" I tuned around facing him "I mean that is true" Kay squeezed my butt.

"Alright move" I laughed "what are y'all doing" Esrä came inside the room "nothing your daddy being annoying" I kissed his cheek.

"Here get dressed" I handed Esrä his clothes "okay" he ran out the room slamming the door "stop slamming the door!" Kay yelled.

"Stop yelling" I left the room my phone rang "hey imani bae" I smiled "hey what you doing" she smiled "I'm getting Esrä ready" I went to his room.

"Awh lemme see him" I flipped the camera towards Esrä "my baby I miss him" we both shared a laugh.

"Okay ima call you later so I can finish getting him ready"

"Iam going to see you later" Esrä took the phone out my hand "yes I'll pick you up after school" imani said she let this boy do anything.

"Then we can get ice cream and go to target" Esrä asked "yea of course baby" Esrä handed me back my phone running to the bathroom.

"And I don't know why you told him yes finna run you for your money imani" I laughed "it's fine only cus it's Esrä" imani chuckled.

"Okay bye now" I playfully rolled my eyes hanging up.

Y'all this was really short & boring. Next chapter will be better I just didn't have no ideas for this chapter.

I'm not liking journey & Kay being to happy.

Anywho thanks for 28k readers!!

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