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𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒋𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑺𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒙 ,𝒏𝒚𝒄

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𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒋𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑺
𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒙 ,𝒏𝒚𝒄


"So she just came to the house asking for Nyla?" Kay's mom asked confusingly "yes she was really buggin out" I shook my head.

"So what are y'all going to do, she wanna have a meeting?" I rolled my eyes "I ain't doin no meeting with shordy" Kay shrugged.

"I mean I literally makes no sense to do a meeting with her, Nyla don't even remember her"

"That's sad ,that women doesn't know what to do with herself Kay you was just messing with anybody" Kay's mom glanced at him.

"Exactly" i mumbled "aight chill" Kay laughed "I don't know y'all should maybe have a meeting with her" Kay's mom said "ma why the fuck would they do that, she's mental" Brooklyn shook her head.

"Exactly what sense is that making" Kay added on "I don't know who the fuck both of y'all are talking to but relax" I laughed.

"I'm just sayin that makes no sense I don't even know why you recommend that for them" Brooklyn said "exactly you acting like we sayin sum wrong" Kay added on again.

"You know what, journey what should y'all do so my mother can relax" Brooklyn asked me now why the fuck would she add me in this.

"I mean I don't think so but that ain't up to Me" I shrugged glancing at Kay "well we'll figure it out we bouta dip" Kay stood up putting on his shoes.

_ _ _

I chuckled "yes she was really buggin out, she came to my house talking about 'why you got my daughter calling you mommy" imani laughed.

"That hoe is delusional and she definitely still got that pending ass beating coming" imani shrugged.

We were currently at my house Kay took the kids to one of his family members birthday "hollon lemme call my mom I haven't spoken to her in a long time" I grabbed my phone.

She didn't pick up, my mama always answers I called her again "hey bug" I raised my brows "why you wasn't answering" she laughed.

"I'm at work" I nodded "oh well call me after I wanna see you" she smiled nodding "I will bug love you" I smiled.

"Love you more mama" I hung up imani looked at me "y'all relationship is so cute me and my mama could never" I chuckled.

Imani and her mom ain't have the best relationship when she was fifteen her mom kicked her out she ended up living with me for some time.

My phone rung and it was Kay "hello" I turned on my camera "yo so I'm thinking" I raised my brows "thinking about what exactly?" I questioned.

"I might let Nyla see her mom" I shrugged shaking my head "and why would you do that, sounds dumb as fuck" I chuckled.

"I know but ion know mane this whole thing confusing, but if I do let her go see her mother I want you to be there" i laughed

"Ion know I'll see"

"Aight" we both hung up I glanced at imani "should I" she nodded "you should go just to be petty" I laughed "stop ion wanna be bitter but I do wanna go for Nyla not on no funny shit" imani nodded.

"I mean I guess" I stood up "well ima get going" I blew her a kiss "get home safe love you" imani said "love you more" I left.

"I mean maybe you should ask her first about how she would feel about going to see china before just taking her" Kay nodded.

"But if she don't really remember china then" I shrugged "ima show her a picture and see if she remember" I laughed.

"Ain't shit funny damn"

"Oh my bad, relax yourself cus you should've used a condom" Kay waved me off "yo ass ain't helpin"

"Fuck you mean 'not helping' nigga I literally helped you raise her don't play wimme" I honestly wasn't in the mood.

"Aight my bad you got it" Kay chuckled "exactly your bad" I stood from the couch "you comin or not?" I made a confused face.

"Coming to what?" Kay smacked his lips "Nyla to see her mother" I shrugged "yea, I'm only going for Nyla tho" I went upstairs.

_ _ _

"Mommy, where are we going" Nyla asked we had dropped esrä off at Kay's mom house and we were on our way to meet up with china.

I honestly felt this whole thing was dumb and that Kay and his mom was making a dumb decision to let her meet her mom.


"Somewhere" I glanced back her "like a surprise" I glanced at Kay "you gon see mama" Kay parked.

It was some building I don't know we made it inside and finally seen china Nyla walked right past her "Nyla" china called ,me and Kay sat in front of her.

"Mommy. Who is this" Nyla pointed at her looking china up and down "I'm your Mother your real mommy" she said looking at me.

"But my mommy is right here" Nyla pointed at me "nope, she's your fake mommy, she just hasn't told you that I'm your mommy for real" I glanced at Kay then back at china.

"How is that my job to tell her, I ain't the one who got you pregnant" I shrugged "and I damn sure ain't the one who left my only child" I laughed.

"I left for a reason" I titled my head "and what was the reason cus reason or not no mother leaves there child and says nothing to anyone"

"Wasn't very mother like of you" I said "Kevin control your girl and her mouth before I pop her in it" i shook my head.

"So pop me right now"

"You not poppin nothing china you wanted to see your kid she's right here you worried bout journey" Kay smacked his lips "nothing new"

"Watch your mouth anyways" she turned to Nyla "oh Nyla baby come nyny" this was honestly sad to watch

"I'm not a baby" Nyla giggled making china laugh "but your my baby" Nyla shook her head "but I don't know you. I can't be your baby" china signed.

"It's a long story and it's been a long journey nyny" I think Nyla remember that nickname "a long journey?" She questioned "yes that's going to be very hard for me to explain to you" I signed.

This is getting real boring.

"But I'll explain it to you very soon" china said "because soon you'll be back home with mommy your real mommy" china smiled.

Something is wrong with her.

"Living with you ? But I like living with daddy"

"You can live with daddy and me" Nyla nodded "but what about mommy" china huffed "I'm your mommy so your gonna be with me"

"Girl you know what she mean by mommy and she ain't talking about you, so stop being petty" I rolled my eyes "one day we gon find out if them hands match your mouth" I shrugged.

"We can find out after this if you want"

"Aight chill china say what you gotta say cus we out" Kay stood "mommy loves you a lot I'll see you again soon"


Y'all think Kay & his mom should've let china see Nyla.

Who side y'all on Kay & his mom or journey & Kay's sister ?

Don't forget to vote & comment thanks for 56k mh's

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