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Journey Jose

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Journey Jose. S
Bronx, NYC

"So you wasn't finna tell me you was pregnant?" Kay questioned, we were all at the airport waiting for our flight back, I was still upset, which is why we all left early.

And after imani beat Alina up, trip was over cus she ended up getting into it with Jasmine as well.

"Oh I was finna tell you, but you was busy in Alina face" I shook my head, and Kay smacked his lips "I was not in that bitch face, you ain't tranna let me explain nothing" I rolled my eyes.

"So then why were y'all two alone, I already told you I don't want you around her, that's the whole reason I made you block her" I shrugged "I'm not finna keep on doing this, I have a child and another one coming I'm ready to settle down" I added on but I wasn't done Kay was finna hear what I had to say.

"And I'm getting way to old for this, if you can't be faithful and commit I don't wanna be with you nor have another child with you" I said making Kay raised his brows.

"I'm ready ta settle down to, with you and my kids" I squinted my eyes "you're lying" Kay threw his head back.

"I'm so serious journey, I put that on my mother" I chuckled "don't be putting lies on my child's grandmother kevin" Kay laughed, but I was serious.

"Stop playing with me, what I gotta lie on my mother for" I shrugged "you tell me" I glanced at him "I'm dead serious, and I can show you how serious I am ima commit" Kay said and I shook my head.

"No you said that last time, now look"

"Aight but I'm for this time, I put that on my son" I shook my head seeing imani approaching us she was still upset at Kay and didn't speak to him since she caught him.

"Journey, you want anything before we get on the plane" imani asked pointing at some small coffee place.

"What they got?" She shrugged "like breakfast sandwiches and coffee and shit" I nodded "a sandwich and an ice coffee with vanilla creamer and caramel" imani chuckled nodded her head.

"We gotta go down to the gate" Dougie came towards us making me stand up "but we gotta wait for imani, or someone gotta go get her" I told Dougie who smacked his lips.

"Fuck imani" Dougie waved me off "watch you're mouth Dougie" I shook my head going towards the coffee place.

"You paid already?" I asked "no I just ordered our food why?" Imani turned to me "cus Dougie sayin we gotta go to the gate" imani chuckled, before smacking her lips.

"Fuck Dougie" imani was next in line grabbing our stuff and we left meeting everyone back at the gate.

We finally made it back to new work, it was real late and we were on our way to pick up esrä and Nyla from Kay's mothers house

"You want something before we go get the kids?" Kay asked stopping back a deli "nope" I popped the 'p'

Anyway we soon made it to Kay's mom house who was baby sitting Nyla and esrä "they might be sleeping it's mad late" I said looking over at Kay while we entered the building.

"I know—wassup nigga" Kay dapped a random man up but he probably knew him "journey go upstairs ima meet ya up there" i rolled my eyes shaking my head.

I knocked on the door hearing shuffling around and the locks unlocking "journeyy, how was the trip" Kay's mom pulled me into a hug.

"A hot mess" I chuckled "oh lord, where's Kay?" I walked over to the living room "he's downstairs, he said he'll be up soon" I sat down "well, Nyla and esrä are asleep" Kay's mom glanced at me.

"Hey journey, y'all back early" Brooklyn sat besides me "yea we ended up leaving early" I huffed "whyy" Brooklyn frowned.

"Remember Alina, she ended up popping up and we got into it and I wanted to leave early so everyone gotta pack up and leave" I shrugged.

"So basically everyone left on your time. I know das right but Alina better stop playing with my good sis" Brooklyn shook her head making me chuckle.

Soon Kay came In "they are asleep so we might as well get them tomorrow" Kay shook his head "nah we leaving with 'em tonight ion feel like coming back" he started walking to the back.

"You're gonna carry them downstairs" I glanced at Kay who was getting there stuff together "yea, put they shoes on and stuff" esrä wouldn't be a problem.

Since he was a heavy sleeper, I don't know about Nyla tho.

"And I wanna take 'em tonight cus Nyla goin with her mother tomorrow" i rolled my eyes "her stupid ass mama better not be late" I shrugged putting on esrä sweater.

"You really don't like shordy huh?" Kay chuckled "why would I, don't have a reason to like her nor get along with her" I glanced at Nyla.

She was starting to look like her mother.

Anyways we soon got both Nyla and esrä ready "aight thanks ma, fa watchin them" Kay kissed his mother cheek "of course let me know when y'all get home" I smiled as we made our way downstairs.

"Soo, when you finna go check up on the baby?" Kay asked driving off "uhm I have to set up an appointment" he nodded "it's gon be different this time for real" Kay looked over at me pulling up to a red light.

"Mhm" I nodded my head "don't 'mhm' me I'm deadass" Kay said "okay so show it and stop telling me" we made eye contact "aight" he nodded.

And the conversation was over, we'll see how serious he is.


Y'all, I haven't updated in so long it feels like.
& I missed y'all 😘, so I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

Also thanks for 90.1k readers mh's

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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