Chapter 59

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TW- Swearing.

In the week that followed, things between Demi and I have been good. We talk more and I've even had her over a couple of times to workout together. When we got back from San Diego, Sheamus was only back for a day before he had to travel out for other out of state shows but he was getting back today. I was currently sat talking and having lunch with Tyra when she says, "So it's my friends birthday tomorrow and she asked me today to ask you if it was okay for me to go to her party and to stay for a sleepover tomorrow night. She's turning 14 and her parents are letting her invite 3 people over..." I cut her off knowing what she was about to ask. "Tyra, sweetie. You don't have to explain, you could have just asked but you can go to her party and you can stay for the sleepover." Her face lights up when I say this, "Which friend are we talking about anyways?" I question. "Becca, you spoke to her parents the other day about the school she attends to see if it was a good match for me." She says and I nod in acknowledgement.

After lunch Tyra runs to her room to call her friend Becca and I text Becca mother Teresa. She confirms what Tyra said and I told her that if there is any issues, she can call me. I asked what time party started and she said around 5pm, that gave me enough time to take Tyra shopping for a gift. I told Tyra this and she agreed, she said she was going to start looking through her clothes for an outfit and pack an overnight bag ready.

~~Time Skip~~

I had just dropped Tyra off at Becca's house across the street and was about to curl up on the couch and play some video games. I entered the living room when my phone starts ringing, I look at the Caller ID and see 'Celtic Warrior' on my screen. I can't stop the smile that appears on my face as I answer.

Phone Call

(S is Sheamus and P is Payton.)

P: "Hey what's up?"
S: "Hey not much, was just wondering if you were free right now."
P: "Yeah I'm free. Why?"
S: "Well I'm bored and have nothing to do so could I come over?"
P: "Uh yeah sure. Tyra is over at her friends place for a birthday party and is staying for a sleepover soo."
S: *He smirks* "So what Toni, what you trying to say."
P: *I smirk* "Weeell if you wanted, you could spend the night."
S: "All you had to do was ask but if you want me to stay over, I will."
P: *I chuckle* "Will you please stay the night Ste?"
S: "Of course I will. I'll be over in a bit okay."
P: "Okay. Bye Ste, see you soon."

End of Call

We hung up and I rushed around cleaning up a little while I wait. After about 30 minutes, I hear shouting coming from outside my front door. As I get closer, I could tell who was arguing; Demi and Sheamus. I quietly make my way to the entrance way and catch Demi say that I was just using Sheamus. I throw the door open, "What the actual fuck Demi." I say angrily as I step inbetween them and get in Demi's face. "Don't Payton." Demi replies glaring at me, "Don't what Dems. You are the one stood on my door step shouting at my guest. So please, do explain." I say and cross my arms over my chest.

Demi just stands there not saying anything so I just nod, "Nothing to say, okay. Turn around and walk away Demi. Don't do or say anything else that you'll regret." She does and walks away. I turn to Sheamus, "I'm sorry Ste." I say looking down. He places a finger under my chin and lifts my head to look up at him, "It's fine honestly and don't worry I don't believe anything she said." I smile up at him and pull him inside, closing the door behind us.

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