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Jake in the rain with angry eyes, having just managed to elude the FBI after weeks of being relentlessly hunted...
His eyes reflect the rage of having wasted too much time without being able to send us a message. Would MC be alright? Will she be very worried about him?

Damn... They had made it difficult for him this time to dodge them. He could even feel her shaking with rage.

He adjusts the pack, holding steady. He had to remind himself that ut was the government that was after him because it discovered things it shouldn't have, that he was one of the good guys. That it was the government that had dirty laundry in those files and they were afraid of coming to light.

He did not notice the cold of the rain, nor of the wind. His body burned with rage.

Now, he needed to find a place to hide and immediately contact MC.

He had promised MC that he wouldn't get caught.

And for the next one, he would be able to reveal everything if they separated him from her again like this.

He was going back for her.

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