My decision

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If you want to leave it all behind, then you have to do it without anyone noticing. I started selling small things, which are not sentimental value so that no one realizes that I no longer have them. It was not difficult to get rid of them and I was able to start saving for my new life.

Then it was the clothes I don't wear. Clothes that I bought myself and I asked myself why did I do it? And they stayed in the closet, waiting for me to put it on. But I never got to do it. Yet another savings for me new life.

I sold the unopened makeup. I was going to replace the one that was about to end and I thought Is it really going to serve me when I leave? He wants me without having to be dressed up, why should I have it then?
Another saving for my new life.

My car, instead of selling it completely, I decided to do it for parts. I put up an ad for people who needed a missing part. This was a little longer the process, since many did not know that it was true.
It was a much slower save, but I made it for my new life.

Don't withdraw all the money from the bank in one day, see withdrawing small amounts so that they don't suspect.
Every week I took a little, I was putting it all in a jar with those savings that I have been obtaining from each thing that I sold.

Perhaps the most difficult thing was knowing that I would never see my parents or my friends, so I spent as much time as I could with them. Laughing, remembering old times, sometimes crying over some bad memory. Or sighing for those loves that we had and that are now in a small box as a memory.
I think the most complicated thing was my parents, knowing that I was not going to see them again. That they were going to lose a daughter just because she couldn't live without him. Without his presence.
I try to write a letter, but every time I do, my tears soak the page. It's hard for me to have to explain it to them without sounding like a farewell letter, because it's only temporary. I need to be with him until a solution is found to get out of his problems. Many will think that it is the stupidest thing you can do for love, to leave everything for it. But isn't life about taking risks?
I look out the window at the stray cats walking among the slight shadows that the buildings offer, singing their plaintive song. Cats that I will never see again. That I will not be able to feed them.
A black cat approaches a peacefully lying white one and licks her head. The white yawns, stretching out her legs allowing herself to be groomed by the black.
That cat has the same color of his eyes.
I smile and resume my writing, hoping my words are understandable.

'Dear Mom and Dad,

It may make you angry, but I have decided to do something that I never thought of doing in my life. I'm tired of waiting for something good when I've already found it and I don't want to let it go. It may mean nothing to you, but to me it means everything. In my life, I have always had everything: a loving family, good schools, a good university, a good job... but something was missing in my life, something that would make me get up every morning and make me say: "This is what I want". Well, I ended up finding it and in the strangest way, but truly desirable.

I didn't want to tell you both anything because I know that you two would do everything possible to make me stay, not to leave. You yourselves have raised me to make my own decisions and not let anyone tell me what to do. That day has come and you don't know how eager I am to risk it all no matter what.

Maybe if I told you, you'll ask me "Are you sure you thought it through? Do you really want a life like that, knowing everything you've had?" and I would answer you "Yes, I want it." And I would have nothing more to say.

These past few months I've had a good time with you, reminiscing about the old days. 

Dad, I keep all our stories that we have spent together looking at each report that you gave me to examine, having those 'Father-Daughter' moments that I enjoyed being your apprentice and that has helped me so much.

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