This night we met

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    I greet the guests arriving at the church. It's a fabulous day. The sky is clear, there's not a breath of wind and my chosen dress looks amazing on me.

    Both my family and Stephan and Jessy's friends.
    My cousin is even nervous when he talks to his parents, and his sister tries to stop his monsters from getting into mischief.

    Klaus walks over to me, smiling. We've both helped the couple with the wedding rehearsals and of course he's the best man so I've had to see him quite a bit these past few months. I appreciate him for being a nice guy, but it's been awkward because it was all about weddings.

   "Nervous?'' he asks me while brushing his hair out of his face with his hand in the manner clearly like a boy in a romance movie would do.

    "It's not my wedding, so I'm fine," I remind him, keeping my distance. "If I were you, I'd worry more about your friend,'' I point my thumb at Stephan and he laughs.

    "He thinks he's nervous, but he's actually happy,'' I let out a small laugh. I don't argue with him on that. "I was thinking you could save me a dance at the party, you know... like old times.''

    I bite the inside of my cheek, trying not to be rude. He's one of the reasons I had to box up some things, thinking I was being ridiculous with the things I liked. But in the end I realized that we didn't fit and... because something was missing when I was with him. Those special moments that never came. Yes, a good guy, but I didn't feel special and he wasn't who I was looking for in the end.

    "I'd love to, but―''

    "I've already asked the princess for the first dance,'' Phil comes over and puts his arm around my shoulders, "sorry man, she's already taken.''

    I step on him with my heel when saying those last words. What do you mean taken'? What am I? A fish now?

    "Oh! I didn't know you were dating Phil,'' he lets out a nervous laugh and slowly walks away, "well, see you later.''

    When Klaus walks away, I look at Phil with a slight bow, while crossing my arms.

    "And my thanks for getting rid of him, princess?'' he asks me with open arms "At least a kiss.''

    "I only accept that attitude from a man, and he is not you,'' I answer with a sigh "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Jessy?''

   "They are fixing her makeup,'' he points with his head to the end of the street ", she started crying with happiness and the girls started fixing her, so I preferred to wait for her to come here.''

    "The brother of the year.''

    "I know,'' he looks me up and down and smiles mischievously. "The dress suits you well. But do you know where it would be better?''

    "Surprise me,'' I say sarcastically.

    "Tonight, after the party,'' he places his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I look at his hand while frowning, "we can have our first night too. What do you think, princess?''

    "Well... The truth is that I don't―''

    I then feel a strange electric current throughout my body. I feel as if someone is watching me.

    I turn around and see a man dressed in black, with his hood up, at the end of the street. I can't see his face very well because of the hood, it shadows his features.
    But something about him... Strange. He's kind of familiar.
    I apologize to Phil and walk over to Stephan, interrupting the conversation.

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