A Friend? {2}

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TW: Abuse

     Travis sat on the edge of his bed, fumbling with the slip of paper in his hands. He bit down on his bottom lip considering his options, it couldn't hurt to text him, right? He slowly reached for his flip phone by his bedside table, something he rarely used. 

"Travis, get down here now!" Kenneth screamed up the stairs.

Travis quickly put his phone back and opened his bedroom door. His heart pounding in his ears, he already knew what this conversation would be about. 

"Your test, Travis?" Kenneth had his back turned to the doorway. 

"I'm sorry, father. I tried, I promise I tried my best." Travis grew quiet as Kenneth raised a hand, signaling silence.

"Show me." His voice was eerily calm, all of Kenneth's mannerisms were done with a certain amount of rigor. 

Travis retrieved his disgraceful test, hoping his remorseful attitude would lessen his punishment, although he knew it wouldn't. 

Kenneth glanced over the failed test, his expression tightening slightly. He let out an exasperated sigh before turning away from Travis and walking towards the kitchen, "Take a seat at the table." 

Travis did so without question, awaiting his fathers return. When he did arrive, he was holding a wooden spoon from the cutlery drawer. "If you were not studying for your math test I presume you were studying for Sunday school. You should be able to recite these verses." 

"But, sir-"

"You do not speak unless I ask you a question." Silence followed, Travis hadn't studied anything for any kind of school, and Kenneth was aware of that. Somehow, Kenneth was always acutely aware of everything, except for Travis's dirty secret.

"Leviticus 20:13"

" If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." Travis knew this one by heart, he constantly repeated it to himself, a reminder of the filth he brought upon his family name.

"Jude 1:11"

Travis hesitated, his mind desperately racing to find the answer. His thoughts were interrupted with the burning sensation against his knuckles on the table. 

"Woe to them. They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam's error; they have been destroyed in Korah's rebellion." Kenneth stated the correct verse, " Psalm 5:9"

Travis's silence was once again met with a violent blow to the hand.

Travis closed his locker after deserting his textbooks, most students had already made it to the cafeteria, but it was all the same to Travis. On days that didn't include bologna in the menu, Travis skipped lunch.  He returned to his usual spot at his lunch table, Philip didn't appear the be there, so it was bound to be another quiet lunch. Travis carelessly dropped his church pamphlets onto the table beside him. He had been instructed to distribute them to other students, though the amount of those willing to take them were non existent.  He sighed shakily, tiredly staring at the wooden table in front of him, illegible words were faintly carved into top of the table from past students.

"Hey, Travis!"

Travis looked up, shocked to find the beautiful, blue haired boy standing in front of him. Of course, Travis couldn't actually know he was attractive, but how can someone so kind and loving not be beautiful? 

"What do you want, fa-" Travis stopped himself before finishing his sentence, remembering Philips words the previous day. He rephrased, "What do you want?" Sal seemed mildly shocked at this change of words, before quickly covering it up again. 

"I was just wondering if I could have one of those?" He pointed to the pamphlets on the table.

"Uh, yeah I guess." Travis slid a paper across the table to Sal.

"Thanks! I can give it back after if you- Holy shit, Travis!" Sal interrupted his thoughts, he looked back up at Travis, making eye contact.

"Are you okay, man? What happened to your hands?" Travis attempted to retract his hand, but was immediately stopped by Sal grabbing his hand, pulling it closer to his mask to inspect further. It was horribly bruised from the the night before, the tops of his hand were a mix of green, yellow and blue. Dried blood settled around his knuckles, slightly seeping through the cracks of his dry hands. 

"I'm fine, and it's none of your business!" Travis yanked his hand away from Sal's soft grip. It hurt to take it away, it felt so right, Sal's hand holding his. Even through the mask, Sal's expression was clear. Confused, concerned, pitying. Travis couldn't stand the feeling of being pitied, he didn't need anyone else's commiseration. 

"Travis, that looked really serious, let me take you to the nurse." He outstretched his hand, offering Travis to take it. No matter how badly Travis wanted to, he wouldn't take it.

"No! This doesn't involve you, just take the pamphlet and leave. Or don't take it, I don't care!" The disparity in Travis's voice was clear, but Sal wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Please, I'm worried about you! I know you have a lot going on right now, and I don't understand what's going on, but I want to be able to help you. Nobody should have to be alone like this." Sal pleaded.

"Just fuck off already!" Travis screamed back at Sal, before quickly standing up and running out of the cafeteria. He couldn't text Sal, not anymore at least.

The cool air stung against Travis's battered hands, the voices of fellow students were slowly fading behind Travis as he walked home. The quietude was oddly sinister, leaving a cold sweat down his back. The atmosphere was soon broken by the sound of a voice calling out,

"Travis! Hey!" Travis turned to see Sal jogging to catch up to him. Once he just a few steps away, Sal stopped to compose himself. 

"You forgot these in the cafeteria. I took one, but I thought you'd still want to keep the rest." He offered Travis the pamphlets he had left behind.

"Oh uhm, thanks." Travis responded briskly, grabbing the pamphlets and turning to leave, Sal stopped him. 

"Wait, I know you don't want to talk about it, and that's okay but I'm still really concerned for you. " He paused for a moment to revise his sentence before continuing, "You never texted me, even if I can't help you, I still want to talk to you. You seem like a really cool guy, you're just a bit confused." A slight smile could be heard in Sal's voice. Travis swallowed, trying to find the words to respond.

"If I have the time tonight, I might message you." 

"That's all I can ask, bye, Travis!" He very clearly smiled when he spoke that time. As he ran to catch the bus, his pigtails wildly flew back and forth, Travis couldn't help but laugh a little. Sal really was something else. 

Word count:1178

A/N yayyy chapter 2 is DONE, and in the same day too! Same as before, if you see any errors in spelling, grammar, etc, please tell me!

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