Glimpse of the Future {32}

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I stopped doing the definitions to some of the longer words in these chapters a while ago, do you guys still want that or no? There also may be a lot of mistakes I missed while editing, as I'm doing this while I'm in the car.

        The disturbing, dreamlike hallucinations were growing longer, more frequent and more painful. Travis sat on floor of the boy's bathroom, clutching his head in his hands, knees pulled up to his chin. The same words kept ringing through his mind, "I had no choice, I had to do it, there was no other way." It was Sal's voice, and he was clearly sobbing while speaking. Flashes of red and blue clouded his vision, police sirens wailed. 

"It's not real, it's not real. Please, God- it's not real." He mumbled, as if he was convincing himself. The searing pain in his eye ceased, bringing him back to reality. The speaking stopped, as well as the alarms and police lights. After granting himself a few seconds to recover, Travis stood and washed his hands, glancing into the mirror. His skin was growing pale, eye bags worsening; he'd stopped worrying about his appearance, and allowed his hair to grow past his ears, showing the dark roots of his natural hair. Over the few days that passed since Sal and Travis' date, Sal wasn't afraid to mention the noticeable decrease in Travis' physical health. Though he didn't want to admit it, Travis knew Sal was right. He didn't want to worry one of the few people that truly cared for him, so he'd made the executive decision to omit the fact that the visions continued after the first couple of days. Travis adjusted the strands of hair to cover his impaired eye, before reentering the lonely hallway. There was less than ten minutes left in the school day, so he didn't bother returning to class. The boy walked around the corridors, passing by the occasional student. He felt a small buzz in the pocket of his beige, cargo shorts, and fumbled with the phone, pulling it into view.

"hye im almost done moving in 2 the new house if u help me bring the last cuple boxs then i can also give u a tour"

Travis grimaced as he tried to decipher whatever Sal way trying to say.

"You want me to help you move the last couple of boxes out of the apartments, and into the new house, then you'll give me a tour of the place?"

"yah wanna do it 2day?"

"For the love of Jesus, just type normally, Sal." He mumbled to himself, stifling his laughter at the absurdity of Sal's typing style.

"I can ask Father if I'm able to stay later today."

"Awww y? cant u jus do it without aksing him? :(" Sal's responses were very quick, which made his poor spelling and grammar more forgivable. 

"He's been saying yes to a lot recently, so I doubt that he'd say no. Plus, he really cares about me, I don't want to go behind his back like that."

"trav i know ur rlly excited abt the new way hes treating you but it seems fake 2 me. there has 2 be more 2 the story"

He sighed in annoyance, "You don't know what he's really like, Sal. He's changed, he loves me."

"im just looking out 4 u. its all an act. hes also a cult leader, theres no redder flag then that"

"Do you want me to help you tonight?"


"Then stop running your mouth."

Sal didn't respond for a moment. Travis envisioned what Sal looked like as he read the message, eyes narrowed and pain-filled.  

"sorry i shouldnt have pushed the subject"

He frowned at the text, he knew it wasn't Sal's fault. The desire to be loved by his father, somehow diminished the memories of who Kenneth truly was. Before Travis could respond and express his remorse, Sal sent another message.

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