Sweet Dreams, Sal {27}

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(This is what space invaders looks like for anyone who doesn't know)

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(This is what space invaders looks like for anyone who doesn't know)

TW: Self harm


I have multiple things to say before you read the chapter.

First off, I'd like to thank you all for 5k reads! This has gotten a lot more attention than I ever expected. I wanted to thank three people in particular, @khaos777, @travisisahomosexual and @fragmentsofdeath. Thank you so much for your support and comments!

I just realized that some parts of the last chapter may have been somewhat misleading, and I've never outright said this, so now is the time. This story will not contain any sexual imagery. The characters I am writing about are minors, and I, myself do not feel comfortable writing about those topics. There will be implications of it, so you have been warned. 

        "You're alright if we hang out with the group for a bit, right?" Sal asked, as they approached the elevator.

"Yeah, I don't mind." That was a lie. He found Ashley obnoxious, Chug annoying, Larry intimidating, and Todd a bit too gay, but Maple was pretty chill. If Sal wanted to spend time with his friends, Travis wouldn't stand in the way. Much to Travis' dismay, Maple wasn't present when they entered Larry's room, the designated hangout spot.

"Miss me?" Larry asked, as he sauntered into the space, he was always the loudest person in the room, regardless of who else was there.

"Not really." Ash muttered, looking up from her book.

Upon entering the room, he noticed one unfamiliar person amongst the main group, Larry, Sal, Ashley and Todd. The man looked to be slightly older than himself, he wore a yellow V-neck, which contrasted his burnt umber coloured skin. His hair was in short dreadlocks that fell just above his shoulders and he seemed to be a passive person, judging by his relaxed posture; but the thing that caught Travis' eye was the way his arm was leisurely draped over Todd's shoulders. 

"Hello, Sal, Larry. I didn't think you'd be able to make it today, Travis." Todd met Travis' eyes.

"Oh, uhm, my father doesn't exactly know that I'm here so, yeah." He trailed off quietly, embarrassed to admit it.

"Travis breaking the rules? Never thought I'd live to see the day." Ash was obviously in a bad mood. Travis huffed loudly, ready to fire back an insult, but Sal softly nudged him as a reminder to keep his cool.

"So, you're the famous Travis I've heard so much about?" The mystery man smiled warmly at Travis.

"I don't think I want to know what you've heard about me." Travis knew that Todd was the most accepting of him, next to Sal, but that didn't change the damage he'd caused in the past. He doubted that Todd wouldn't tell this man, who appeared to be his boyfriend, about their history.

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