He's Finally Lost it {33}

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        Sal was more than ecstatic at the news that Travis' would be able to attend the party, though his doubts on Kenneth were steadily increasing. It was obvious that the manipulative minister had an emotional chokehold on Travis, a wall built purely out of deceit and lies. Due to the excessive decorating and cleaning that Sal had to do, he missed the church service. 

        Time was ticking, and Sal was finishing preparations for snacks, when the doorbell rang. Todd and Neil rushed to open it, ushering their two guests inside. 

"Welcome, guys. Feel free to leave your shoes at the door."

"Thanks, Todd. Man, this place is looking really good! You guys are gonna make me jealous." Chug strode into the building, nodding his head as he took in the room.

"Yeah, looking nice." Maple agreed, holding Chug's hand.

Sal placed the full, glass bowl onto the coffee table in the living room, "glad to have you guys here! I picked up your favourite chips, Chug." 

"Sweet! This is why I love you, Sally face." Sal laughed in response.

        "Hey, Trav! Come on in, everyone else is already here." The bluenette stepped to the side of the door, to allow Travis inside.

"Thanks, I like rug." He pointed directly below himself at the welcome mat.

Sal's laugh was slightly muffled due to the prosthetic, "thanks, but you haven't seen anything yet! Just wait until I show you my room."

"Nah, someone should monitor that." Larry yelled over his shoulder from the couch.

"Good to see you too, Larry." Travis groaned, failing to hide his grin.

Sal lead Travis to the couch, where they both sat down next to Larry. 

"Hello, Travis." Todd waved from the armchair that he resided in.

"Hi, Todd, hi, guys." Travis awkwardly glanced around at his friends.

"Glad you convinced your old man to let you come." Neil smiled from the kitchen, as he poured more snacks into bowls. The room went dead silent at the mention of Travis' father, which Neil picked up on. "Sorry, I don't mean to push any buttons."

"Nah, you're all good. Didn't even take any convincing, he actually insisted that I go." The blond shrugged, leaning back on the couch cushions. Sal, Larry and Todd exchanged discreet glances, why would Kenneth want Travis to be there?

"Well, that's great! Wouldn't be the same without you, man."

Travis thanked him, and carefully wrapped his arm over Sal's shoulders. Sal's face flushed bright red under his prosthetic, it wasn't often that Travis showed any public displays of affection. 

"How are you feeling about exams, Travis?" The ginger asked, sipping from his mug.

"I've never been great at test taking, but with the help that you and Sal have given me, I think I'll be fine."

Ash sat up straighter, "what are you planning to do after high school?" 

Travis laughed nervously, "I'm actually not sure. Originally, I wanted to be a preacher, like my father, but in light of new information." Travis trailed off at the end of his sentence. Silence filled the room, once again. 

"So," Neil spoke up, "does it feel weird for you guys to be graduating this year?"

"Yeah, moving in with you and Todd really made me realize how fast everything is moving. It's hard to believe I'm not a kid anymore. Feels like just yesterday when I moved into the apartments, now I'm leaving again." Sal leaned his head onto Travis chest as he answered the question.

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