Failure of a Saviour {29}

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Just want to clarify that this is taking place at the same time as the last chapter.

        All of the excitement from the previous night and morning had completely faded away, replaced the intense feelings of anxiety and fear. Travis was absent the entire morning, the only thing he could think about as he sat at the lunch table was how he shouldn't've let him go.

"Sally face, I'm sure he's going to be okay. Travis is a tough dude, you know that firsthand." Larry said, trying to calm him down.

"Larry is correct, Sal. Do you think it's possible that he may have fallen ill?" Todd asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sal sighed in annoyance, "no, of course not, Todd. I was with him almost all day yesterday, not a single thing was wrong. Something bad must've happened to him, I know it."

"There's no need to be snappy with us, Sal." Ash jutted in, "we're only trying to help you."

He stood up, slamming his hands on the table, "okay, well you're not! None of you are! You guys aren't listening to me, I know that he's in danger!"

The lunchroom's loud environment quieted, the shouts reduced to hushed whispers. People stared at the table, attention grabbed by Sal's yelling.

"Sal, let's just take a deep breath, people are staring, little dude." Larry cooed, trying to calm down his stepbrother. Sal turned around, noticing the unblinking eyes on him. Embarrassed, he sat back down, the cafeteria resumed to it's deafening volume.

"Do you have any real reason to believe that he is at risk?" The ginger asked softly. Sal wasn't the angry type, so his outburst was a shock to everyone.

"Yes," Sal sighed, irritated by their lack of urgency. "Before we were going to bed, we were talking about some, "He paused, not wanting to expose Travis' harmful habits, "stuff. He remembered that he left his journal out instead of hiding it. Apparently, he wrote about me and some other gay stuff, so he didn't want his dad to see it. Travis said it was okay if he didn't fix it until the next morning, because his dad wouldn't be back until later that day anyways, but now he's gone. I think Kenneth found it?"

A hum of concern was shared by all members of the group. 

"Yeah, that does actually seem like a problem, now." Ash said, biting one of her nails.

"Sal, how about we go check on him. You're clearly worked up about it, so it's not like you'll be able to focus on your school work anyways." Larry proposed, offering a comforting grin.

The blue-haired boy merely nodded, following Larry to their lockers. They walked in heavy silence, Sal's mind was already brimmed with the possible tragedies that could've occurred to Travis. The loud slamming of Sal's locker door made Larry jump backwards, "Sal, are you alright?"

"I will be once we find Travis." His mind was only focused on the task at hand. The two walked to Larry's car, the silence deafening, yet again. Sal tossed his bag, which he'd retrieved from his locker, into the back seat of the dingy car.

"Where are we going?" Larry asked, as he started the car.

The bluenette pulled out his phone, "let's check his house first, I have his address here, 3072 21st Ave NE." He read off the small screen. 

        The vehicle screeched to a halt a few blocks down from the Phelps household as a safety precaution. Sal jumped out of the car, running towards the porch of the estate. He fiddled with the handle violently, but the door wouldn't budge. 

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