That's Kind of Gay, Sal... {18}

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The title made me giggle. From now on, I'll be getting my friend to post these updates until I have access to wifi and my computer. I apologize if any of these updates seem rushed, have mistakes or are posted late, I've been rushing to complete these chapters and haven't had much time to edit them!

        "Can you go today?"

"Yes, but Father thinks I'm studying with Philip. Where is is that we're going?"

"I cant tell you that! It's a suprise :)"

Travis rolled his eyes, "Can't* Surprise*"

"Whatever man."

"You missed a comma."

"Shhhhhhh" Sal's grammar in real life was perfectly fine, but over text was a completely different story.

        Travis walked into algebra, his heart in his throat. Sally face waved to him from their desks, the smile visible through his eyes, though one seemed much less full of emotion than the other. 

"Hey, Trav! You excited?"

"I guess so, uh, who all is coming?" Travis accidentally dropped his pencil to the floor, which rolled over to Sal. The blue-haired boy bent over in his chair to pick it up, holding it in between his thumb and index finger. 

"I was thinking it could just be the two of us, is that okay?"

"Oh, uhm, yeah I guess that's probably fine. It's just- never mind." Sal reached out to hand the pencil back to Travis, lightly brushing against his fingers as he pulled away.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't understand," Travis paused, "How you could be comfortable around me after, you know." He trailed off. 

"Trav, I know you didn't mean all those things you did to me before. It's in the past, I'd like to keep it that way." He smiled at Travis reassuringly. 

"That's not what I meant. It's about those things that I wrote, how can you not feel, I dunno, disgusted with me?"

"I don't think I could ever feel that way, man. Now sit down, Ms.Smith is going to start yelling at you soon."

Travis's attention was directed at the permanent sub as she blabbed on about algebra when his focus was broken by a note being slid in front of him.

"Your coming with us to lunch?"

Travis scoffed in disapproval and wrote back, "You're*, and if you want me to, I guess it wouldn't hurt."

Sal playfully punched him in the arm lightly, giggling under his breath. The faint sound of his laughter forced Travis to smile, it was contagious. 

        It still didn't feel normal to sit with Sal's friends. They ignored him for the most part, which Travis certainly didn't mind, but there was still some sort of tension around the table.  The only person who spoke to Travis was, ironically, Todd. The years of torment somehow didn't hinder the redhead's kindness. They talked about boring things, such as school work and books, but it was progress, nonetheless. Sal stood from the bench, "Trav, wanna come with me to return these trays with me?" He motioned to the empty trays strewn atop the surface.

"Oh, um, yeah, okay." He also stood and gathered the trays from the table, each person thanking him as he took it away.

"So, Trav, is it okay if we take the bus after school?" Sal asked, as they were walking towards the front of the cafeteria, empty boards in hand.

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