No Fault of Yours {31}

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Thank you so much for 7k reads! I will be out of town for a few days soon, which also happens to be on the days I post. I will still post, but the chapters will likely be shorter.

        Travis stood on the concrete just outside of the office doors, waiting for Sal to arrive. The season change was swift, the air was warm, the grass had almost completely turned green, insects buzzed in the air. The beginning of summer meant the end of school, which also meant final exams. Though he never had any hope of passing earlier in the year, the tutoring help from Sal and Todd made a big impact on him. 

        His eyes scanned the hordes of students flowing out of the doors like water through a pipe, hoping to see the familiar, blue pigtails of his boyfriend. Travis' attention was broken when Larry walked up to him, blocking his line of view. 

"Hi, Larry. Do you know where Sal is?" Travis asked, trying to lighten his tone.

"Yeah, he'll be out in a minute." Larry nodded, not breaking eye contact. "I actually wanted to talk to you."

Travis tightened his face in concern, "is something wrong?"

"Listen, I know this isn't any of my business, and I shouldn't be poking my nose into your relationship, but this is out of concern for Sal. When we went to your house, there was a note I read." Travis immediately tensed, there were things in that book he'd hoped would never see the light of day. Larry clearly noticed the reaction, but carried on, using a softer tone, "it was about how you didn't want the relationship with Sal because of god, and stuff. Then, earlier today, you said you wished you were never gay. I know you've had issues in the past, but those things really bothered Sal."

The blond didn't respond, shuffling his feet uncomfortably. He looked down to Larry, thinking over his words.

"I know it was never your intention to hurt him," Larry continued, "but you should take that into account in the future. Alright, man?"

He turned to walk away, but Travis found his voice.

"Well, why should he care about that? It's not like he's the one who has to constantly feel this way." 

Larry spun back around on his heel, facing Travis. "Why wouldn't he care about that?"

"I'm just trying to understand what you're telling me, Larry." He sighed, scowling.

"Think about it, Sal lo-" 

"Hey, guys! What's going on?" Sal approached the two, his eyes crinkled, showing that he was smiling.

"Nothing, I was just waiting with Travis until you got here, I'll see you at home, little dude!" Larry fist bumped Sal, before walking away, stealing a final, knowing look at Travis.

Sal watched Larry disappear onto the bus, turning back to Travis. "You guys aren't having problems, are you?" He asked, his voice sounding mildly upset.

"No, I don't think so. Never mind that, let's get going." Travis shook the interaction from his mind, smiling at Sal.

Sal nodded, eagerly. "Great! Where exactly are we going?"

"There's a new café a few blocks away from here, how about that?" 

"Oh, yeah! I'm pretty sure my dad and Lisa went there a few weeks ago!" The blue-haired boy shifted his bag farther up on his back, as they set off to their destination.

        The quaint coffee shop was charming, with a tranquil atmosphere. The establishment was mostly made of stained wood, reminiscent of an old cottage. It was rare that a new building was added to the small burgh, so it was the talk of the town. The two boys seated themselves at a small, round table. People were quietly chatting at other tables, making the building seem quite cozy.

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